February 2008 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Feb 1 06:13:31 CET 2008
Ending: Fri Feb 29 10:09:27 CET 2008
Messages: 148
- [NetBehaviour] sorrowful the intervention of death
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Splash about in the SWAMP with us in VisitorsStudio
Ruth Catlow
- [NetBehaviour] [Nettime-nl] nznl.com digest, Jan 24, 2008 - Jan 30, 2008
Geert Dekkers
- [NetBehaviour] Networked_Music_Review Commission: "Flou" by Jason Freeman, et al
- [NetBehaviour] LiveOnline DiscussionEvent - THIS SUNDAY 3rd Feb
Graziano Milano
- [NetBehaviour] bodhisattvas
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Change of time - for invite to the SWAMP at VisitorsStudio
Ruth Catlow
- [NetBehaviour] spirit
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Messay (finished on my birthday, ah well)
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Second Front: "I Want to Eat Fish and Chips"
Patrick Lichty
- [NetBehaviour] electricks
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Indecent
Ruth Catlow
- [NetBehaviour] inmerso cyberlounge presenta : artef at ctos virtuales Brian Mackern
- [NetBehaviour] online text for Creative Writing and New Media Course
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] "The Puzzle Box", a story for children
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] inmerso cyberlounge presenta : artef at ctos virtuales Brian Mackern
- [NetBehaviour] "The Puzzle Box", a story for children
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] "The Puzzle Box", a story for children
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Indecent
- [NetBehaviour] new stuff on 'Scenes of Provincial Life' in 2008
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] [CC] More on mid-19th century notions of static and dynamic electrical fluid
Alan Sondheim
Taylor Nuttall
- [NetBehaviour] Satellite Spotters Glimpse Secrets, and Tell Them.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Recent submissions on the Furtherfield Public Broadcast facility.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Russian Brides. - submitted to Netbehaviour by Mediamatic.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Art Stripped Bare by Post-Autonomists, Even.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] screams and cadence
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] nznl.com digest, Jan 31, 2008 - Feb 06, 2008
Geert Dekkers
- [NetBehaviour] [Nettime-nl] nznl.com digest, Jan 31, 2008 - Feb 06, 2008
Geert Dekkers
- [NetBehaviour] Electronic writing, approach
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] The Red Flag Flies by Zhou Hongxiang UK exhibition.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Textile Futures Salon, 17 March, 2008 at the ICA – 6.30pm
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] New Reviews/Interviews at Furtherfield.org Feb 07 2008.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Turbulence Commissions: "Mixed Realities"
- [NetBehaviour] Important Things
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Hugely Tiny Festival - Pasadena, this Saturday and Sunday
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] The Puzzle Box, a story for children
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] important things ii
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] pourinfos Newsletter / 06-02 to 29-02-2008
xavier cahen
- [NetBehaviour] d-d-d-d-d-istributivity
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Upgrade! Boston: Bill Seaman
- [NetBehaviour] Aalan and Nikuko: The Gesture
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] No Change
karen blissett
- [NetBehaviour] Live OnLine Discussion - 14 February
Graziano Milano
- [NetBehaviour] next stop imaginary
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] _7Eve{[D]r[eamic]}N_
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] all day i sit at this fucking screen, not fucking
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] No Change
xavier cahen
- [NetBehaviour] Triode film, Baad images, Text rattling
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Valentines special audio visual cards
Graziano Milano
- [NetBehaviour] Economie0 in Paris this weekend - anyone going?
Ruth Catlow
- [NetBehaviour] Economie0 in Paris this weekend - anyone going?
dave miller
- [NetBehaviour] Economie0 in Paris this weekend - anyone going?
- [NetBehaviour] Economie0 in Paris this weekend - anyone going?
- [NetBehaviour] nznl.com digest, Feb 07, 2008 - Feb 13, 2008
Geert Dekkers
- [NetBehaviour] [Nettime-nl] nznl.com digest, Feb 07, 2008 - Feb 13, 2008
Geert Dekkers
- [NetBehaviour] Stream On You - 15,16,17 February 2008
nathalie fougeras
- [NetBehaviour] Networked Music Review Commission: "Air Detritus" by Miya Masaoka
- [NetBehaviour] Extensions, Poetics of
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] *** PROBABLY SPAM *** Economie0 in Paris this weekend - anyone going?
xavier cahen
- [NetBehaviour] tangent jump and filtering behavior
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] nonsense, it's just
james jwm-art net
- [NetBehaviour] jump filtered
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Inhering characteristics of matter, let us say substance.
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Turbulence Commission: "Invisible Influenced" by Will Pappenheimer and Chipp Jansen
- [NetBehaviour] prisoners
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] electrick poem
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] jwm version 33 released!
james jwm-art net
- [NetBehaviour] contradiction of untethering
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Review of Books I Like (and think you might too)
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Tomgram: Ann Jones, The War against Women Never Ends.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Exhibition of Mathematical Art.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Feminism, Video Games and Academics (also, lesbianism).
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Losing my faith in you...
karen blissett
- [NetBehaviour] I Crave Your Indulgence To Read This Mail- But I Do Not Want Your Pity
Caspar Below
- [NetBehaviour] wounded ballet
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Why Linux Doesn't Spread - the Curse of Being Free.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Mary Flanagan Interview
Eduardo Navas
- [NetBehaviour] Pentagon report investigated lasers that put voices in your head.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Internet art, net art, and networked art in relation.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] nznl.com digest, Feb 14, 2008 - Feb 20, 2008
Geert Dekkers
- [NetBehaviour] After the Deluge
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] [Nettime-nl] nznl.com digest, Feb 14, 2008 - Feb 20, 2008
Geert Dekkers
- [NetBehaviour] New Thursday Clubs, changes & updates (Goldsmiths)
maria x
- [NetBehaviour] Internet art, net art, and networked art in relation.
james jwm-art net
- [NetBehaviour] Review of Books I Like (and think you might too)
james jwm-art net
- [NetBehaviour] Internet art, net art, and networked art in relation.
helen at creative-catalyst.com
- [NetBehaviour] Internet Censorship: A Comparative Study.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Internet art, net art, and networked art in relation.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] post - Internet art, net art, and networked art in relation.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Furtherfield Blog - Recent Posts of Interest on Media Art Practice and Culture.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Grim Barrier at Second Life
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Distant, a new Net Art work by Marc Garrett.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] mICROPOLITICS / DRIFT with Brian Holmes
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] *** SPAM *** Distant, a new Net Art work by Marc Garrett.
- [NetBehaviour] *** SPAM *** Distant, a new Net Art work by Marc Garrett.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] true and false
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] ^on N iter++ing datableed :begin
james jwm-art net
- [NetBehaviour] *** SPAM *** Distant, a new Net Art work by Marc Garrett.
Ruth Catlow
- [NetBehaviour] "Neural Transmitter"
- [NetBehaviour] Distant, a new Net Art work by Marc Garrett.
rich white
- [NetBehaviour] mold/shell of dance (non)-routine
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] State of Art - A Conversation with G.H. Hovagimyan
mark cooley
- [NetBehaviour] FARGOisnotFargo / web-based documentary
Bruno Moynie
- [NetBehaviour] "speaking at wall" OUT NOW !
Chiara Passa
- [NetBehaviour] binary pleasures
karen blissett
- [NetBehaviour] Avatar Warrior, Avatar Ghost-Warrior
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] ^on N iter++ing datableed :begin
- [NetBehaviour] The Arecibo Message.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] US court attacks web freedom; enjoins Wikileaks.org out of existence.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Why I Love Shoplifting from big corporations.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] IR LEDs used to defeat Security Cameras.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] F. Rides again
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Mute 001// consultario de senoras
Etienne Choubard
- [NetBehaviour] Last chance to submit podcastable art to the lastest ArtCast open call
Jennifer Stoddart
- [NetBehaviour] Distant, a new Net Art work by Marc Garrett.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] State of Art - A Conversation with G.H. Hovagimyan
james jwm-art net
- [NetBehaviour] Security at What Cost?
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] an hour of nothing
james jwm-art net
- [NetBehaviour] Security at What Cost?
Bernard Roddy
- [NetBehaviour] The smear
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] State of Art - A Conversation with G.H. Hovagimyan
carlos katastrofsky
- [NetBehaviour] Interview with Jussi Parikka
Eduardo Navas
- [NetBehaviour] Fwd: Invitation to the Eclectic Tech Carnival in May.
Helen Varley Jamieson
- [NetBehaviour] FPS players feel better after dying than after killing others, say researchers.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Beauty Parlour #07
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] The Annals of Significant Failure.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] RE State of Art - A Conversation with G.H. Hovagimyan
mark cooley
- [NetBehaviour] Security at What Cost?
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Too Many
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] less is easier
Etienne Choubard
- [NetBehaviour] Pall Thayer's Personal Netart 2.0: A Manifesto of Variable Manifestation...
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Pall Thayer's Personal Netart 2.0: A Manifesto of Variable Manifestation...
Sim Gishel
- [NetBehaviour] Pall Thayer's Personal Netart 2.0: A Manifesto of Variable Manifestation...
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Interview with marc & ruth from furtherfield on furthernoise...
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Joey on 28th Street
Lewis LaCook
- [NetBehaviour] Joey on 28th Street
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] IndieCade: Call for Submissions.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Failure Support Group (Boston).
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Emanent new-work in the true world
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Call for Submissions: Free Soil.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] ))))) radiolist.org ((((( Plate-forme sonore des arts visuels ))))) | ))))) visual arts noise platform ((((( 15
xavier cahen
- [NetBehaviour] [a=v] DIY sound workshop ~ Constructing alive electronics ~ Munich
natabor at aa-vv.org
- [NetBehaviour] Interview with marc & ruth from furtherfield on furthernoise...
xavier cahen
- [NetBehaviour] Interview with marc & ruth from furtherfield on furthernoise...
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Fwd: [LAA] LAC 2008: live online Now!
james jwm-art net
- [NetBehaviour] Frontier
Alan Sondheim
Last message date:
Fri Feb 29 10:09:27 CET 2008
Archived on: Sat Jan 18 01:33:49 CET 2020
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).