[NetBehaviour] Epistemic Networks and GRID + Web 2.0 for Arts and Humanities.

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Wed Jan 16 13:08:24 CET 2008

Forthcoming workshop: Epistemic Networks and GRID + Web 2.0 for Arts and 

Epistemic Networks and GRID + Web 2.0 for Arts and Humanities
30-31 January 2008, Imperial College Internet Centre,
Imperial College London.

Places are available to attend this workshop series funded by the AHRC ICT
Methods Network. Please contact Dolores Iorizzo (d.iorizzo at ic.ac.uk) for
more information and send registration details to Glynn Cunin
(g.cunin at imperial.ac.uk).

Data driven Science has emerged as a new model which enables researchers to
move from experimental, theoretical and computational distributed networks
to a new paradigm for scientific discovery based on large scale GRID
networks. Hundreds of thousands of new digital objects are placed in
digital repositories and on the web everyday, supporting and enabling
research processes not only in science, but in medicine, education, culture
and government. It is therefore important to build interoperable
infra-structures and web-services that will allow for the exploration,
data-mining, semantic integration and experimentation of arts and humanities
resources on a large scale.

There is a growing consensus that GRID solutions alone are too heavy, and
that coupling it with Web 2.0 allows for the development of a more
light-weight service oriented architecture (SOA) that can adapt readily to
user needs by using on demand utility computing, such as morphological
tools, mash-ups, surf clouds, annotation and automated workflows for
composing multiple services. The goal is not just to have fast access to
digital resources in the arts and humanities, but to have the capacity to
create new digital resources, interrogate data and form hypotheses about its
meaning and wider context. Clearly what needs to emerge is a mixed-model of
GRID + Web 2.0 solutions for the arts and humanities which creates an
epistemic network that supports a four step iterative process: (i)
retrieval, (ii) contextualisation, (iii) narrative and hypothesis building,
and (iv) creating contextualised digital resources in semantically
integrated knowledge networks. What is key here is not just managing new
data, but the capacity to share, order, and create knowledge networks from
existing resources in a semantically accessible form.

To create epistemic networks in the arts and humanities there are core
technologies that must be developed. The aim of this expert Methods Network
Workshop is to focus on developing a strategy for the implementation of
these core technologies on an inter-national scale by bringing together GRID
computing specialists with researchers from Classics, Literature and History
who have been involved in the creation and use of electronic resources.

The core technologies we will focus on in this two day work-shop are:
(i) infrastructure
(ii) named entity, identity and co-reference services
(iii) morphological services and parallel texts
(iv) epistemic networks and virtual research environments.

The idea is to bring together expertise from the UK, US, and European funded
projects to agree upon a common strategy for the development of core
infra-structure and web-services for the arts and humanities that will
enable the use of GRID technologies for advanced research.

More information is also available from:




SESSION I: GRID + Web 2.0 Infrastructure

Donatella Castelli - ‘GRID and Web 2.0 in the DRIVER Project’
(DRIVER Project - http://www.driver-repository.eu/)

David Giaretta – ‘GRID-WEB for Future Generations’
(CASPAR - http://www.casparpreserves.eu/ )

Marc Wilhelm Küster – TEXTGRID (http://www.textgrid.de)

Tobias Blanke – The DARIAH Project (http://www.dariah.eu/)

Brian Fuchs – The Future of GRID + Web 2.0 for Humanities

SESSION II: Computational and Semantic Services: Named Entity, Identity and

Paul Watry: Named Entity and Identity Services for the National Archives

Greg Crane – TBA (Perseus - www.perseus.tufts.edu/)

Hamish Cunningham/Kalina Bontcheva: AKT and GATE: GRID-WEB Services
AKT/GATE- www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/~hamish

Martin Doerr – Co-Reference and Semantic Services for Grid + Web 2.0


SESSION I: Morphological, Parallel Texts and Citation Services

Greg Crane - “Latin Depedency Treebank”, Perseus Project

Marco Passarotti - “Index Thomisticus” Treebank

Notis Toufexis - ‘Neither Ancient, nor Modern:
Challenges for the creation of a Digital Infrastructure for Medieval Greek’

Rob Iliffe – Intelligent Tools for Humanities Researchers, The Newton
Project www.newtonproject.sussex.ac.uk

SESSION II: Epistemic Networks and Virtual Research Environments

Anna Maria Carusi/ Marina Jirotka – A Future Humanities VRE, OeRC
Simon Hodson - Virtual Research Environment for Political Discourse
1500-1800 www.earlymoderntexts.org/vre

David Arnold - EPOCH , GRID and Web 2.0 (EPOCH - 

Jurgen Renn - The Epistemic Web, Max Planck Berlin

Martin Doerr and Dolores Iorizzo - Epistemic Networks and GRID + Web 2.0

The Imperial College Internet Centre would like to acknowledge generous
support from AHRC ICT Methods Network for co-hosting this conference.

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