[NetBehaviour] New developments - On Being/"exist.pl"

Pall Thayer pallthay at gmail.com
Fri Jul 25 20:18:41 CEST 2008

OK, don't be disappointed when you do run it. Keep in mind that it's an
"introspective" exercise on the part of the software.

On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 6:12 PM, james jwm-art net <james at jwm-art.net>

> I was not so much thinking in terms of networks involving other
> computers, more splitting the parts of the program up (or potential
> parts) so they can comunicate with each other and respawn dead
> processes, I suppose roughly analogous to sensing processes and a brain
> process, perhaps allowing the senses to respawn a dead brain. But that
> almost suggests a brain is redundant as the senses... hmmm
> as a daemon is what I was thinking of, with ports and that, networking
> would be a step after.
> Not had the chance to actually try the script yet... in just a moment.
> On 25/7/2008, "Pall Thayer" <pallthay at gmail.com> wrote:
> >james jwm-art net wrote:
> >> Just a quick thought:
> >>
> >> how about a client/server model? so there could be several components
> >> communicating with each other?
> >>
> >Actually, I see that as a later step. The program will eventually want
> >to explore outer space and that's where networking can come into the
> >picture.
> >
> >Pall
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> On 25/7/2008, "Pall Thayer" <pallthay at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>> We do not create the structure of our own brains, we receive their
> >>>> design via evolution (or from God, but either way we don't make them
> >>>> ourselves). But we eventually take credit for using them.
> >>>>
> >>>> The structure of a neural net isn't determined by the program itself
> >>>> either. *Legally* the program's conclusions would be yours, I think.
> >>>> But *philosophically* is there a reason other than the simplicity of
> >>>> the program that means credit for its discoveries should go to the
> >>>> author instead?
> >>>>
> >>>> AI programs are texts, they are scores. They are more like the writing
> >>>> games of the Oulipo or the Surrealists or the Beats than a simpler
> >>>> static text. If they produce "strange loops"
> >>>> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strange_loop) then this could be at
> >>>> least an analogue to or metaphor for self-awareness.
> >>>>
> >>>> - Rob.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>> Points taken and sure, they could justify taking such a step in this
> >>> project, which is purely conceptual and must therefore adhere to the
> >>> original concept of creating "a computer program that performs an
> >>> introspective metaphysical and ontological examination of its own
> >>> existence and being".
> >>>
> >>> I've always seen something wrong with the idea of "AI". It just sounds
> >>> absurd to me that a machine can be made to become "intelligent" as we
> >>> define it in regards to humans. Based on the limited reading I've done
> >>> on the subject, some of the largest steps towards realizing AI have
> more
> >>> or less involved redefining what "intelligence" is. So here's my
> >>> proposal: The fundamental element of intelligence is an innate desire
> to
> >>> be aware of one's existence and state of being. This is the basis of
> >>> intelligence and without it nothing can emerge that can be called true
> >>> intelligence.
> >>>
> >>> Obviously, my program has no desire to be aware of its existence and
> >>> state of being. That's why I have to tell it to do so and how to go
> >>> about it. A computer program can be made to know certain things and
> even
> >>> to make logical deductions based on that knowledge but that's not
> >>> synonymous with intelligence. It will never be able to make reasoned
> >>> decisions based on an intelligent understanding of things. A child who
> >>> can rattle of the product of any two numbers between 1 and 10 isn't
> >>> showing signs of intelligence. They're simply repeating something they
> >>> know. It's not until they start dealing with numbers that they haven't
> >>> managed to memorize that they may display intelligence through
> >>> understanding and this understanding is acquired through their desire
> to
> >>> be aware of their existence and state of being. That's essentially why
> >>> they went through the trouble of acquiring the understanding needed to
> >>> multiply those numbers.
> >>>
> >>> So, that's where I'm at right now. I'm not extremely well read in these
> >>> matters and it could very well be that I'm simply repeating something
> >>> that philosophers have been saying for the last 100 years. But this is
> >>> what I'm learning from my work on exist.pl
> >>>
> >>> Pall
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> >>
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Pall Thayer
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