[NetBehaviour] open test @ net.art-jwm

james jwm-art net james at jwm-art.net
Sat Nov 1 19:24:27 CET 2008

i'm unsure as to what clear spec you want. it's clear to me and i
thought i'd provided enough information to build a clear-ish picture.

it's not intended that the text files for pages should be readable as if
they were not markup, that's never been a goal.

i've copied two of the files used to generate pages:
the home page: http://www.jwm-art.net/home.txt
the test page: http://www.jwm-art.net/test.txt

it's messy like me i guess.
it has evolved to do what i want/can get it do.

On 1/11/2008, "clemos" <cl3mos at gmail.com> wrote:

>Hi James
>I think I miss some things because there's no clear specification.
>I still feel like your regexp could be lighter, or porbably split in several.
>On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 1:13 AM, james jwm-art net <james at jwm-art.net> wrote:
>> Hi Clemos,
>> On 31/10/2008, "clemos" <cl3mos at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>this looks cool.
>>>did you experiment things like Markdown
>>>(http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) or such text to html
>>>converters ?
>> No I've not heard of Markdown before. (nor have I experimented with any
>> other text to html converters). Just now took a quick look, it's quite
>> interesting, but has slightly different goals:
>> (i'm not completely sure, the area's a bit blurred)
>> it wants maximum readability of the _text_it_translates_ and is more
>> xtxexxxtx prose orientated
>> mine is (perhaps) more layout orientated. i want it to be easy to display
>> things which look like markup, and things which look like code, such as
>> odd sequences of characters. and i want it to be easy to display images
>> or links to other pages (ie main=image=ride-03, ilink=page_name,
>> xlink=url), so have two + two characters as delimiters for embeding
>> things is ok, and the @= and =@ characters are uncommon combinations.
>To me, the best idea in Markdown is to use shorter delimiters for
>simplest/most common tags (like * * for bold, ** ** for italic, # for
>title) : quicker to write, clearer to read (no big markup in simple
>text blocks).
>Images and links are both supported, as well as embedding raw HTML.
>About the ilink / xlink functions, my approach would be to have only
>one function for handling links, and use a custom href syntax. For
>example : link=url would link to an absolute url, and link=p:page_name
>would link to the named page. Like this, you can more easily extend
>the syntax (img:image_name to link an image, file:file_name for files,
>youtube:youtube_id, whatever). Btw, using a "protocol:" prefix makes
>it look more like standard urls.
>The goal (once again) is to split the regexp to have one for
>retrieving tags, and then other regexps for interpreting them. Like
>this, the regexps will likely be simpler, faster, and easier to
>In general, using several simple regexp is better than using a single
>big one, IMHO.
>>>my suggestion for a lighter regexp (untested) :
>>>$pattern = "\@=([^=]*)=([^=]*)=@\siU";
>>>$replaces = array();
>>>  for($i=0;$i<count($matches[0]);$i++){
>>>    $full_tag = $matches[0][$i];
>>>    $command = $matches[1][$i];
>>>    $argument = $matches[2][$i];
>>>    $replaces[$full_tag] = my_html_generator($command,$argument);
>>>  }
>>>  $output = strtr($str,$replaces); // there's probably a faster way by
>> quick test of your regex:
>> http://www.jwm-art.net/test2.php
>> doesn't look like it works enough for what i want:
>> @=b=bold text=@ is determined as an at-tag
>> @= and =@  is not an at-tag, just printable
>> <p>will display '<p>' ( <p> ), not create the <p> element
>> @=b=bold text with @=i=italic=@ also=@
>> splits as:
>>    1 an at tag: @=b=bold text with @=i=italic=@
>>    2 just text: also=@
>> correct form:
>> @=b=@alternative syntax for bold, @=i=embedding italic=@ within it.@=b=@
>> (ie no recursive tag detection - shudder)
>You're right I didn't get you could nest tags like this, or have @=b=@ tags.
>Once again I think you should write a clear specification so that
>you're sure you don't get conflicts or inconsistencies later, and you
>know exactly what is an expected behaviour and what is a bug.
>> @=br=@ creates <br> element
>> @=raw=whatever raw html you want=@
>> @=\=@=display=this-at-tag=@
>>  ( ie @=\= is like an escape sequence for preserving at-tag as text )
>> my previous test.php script now displays my at-tags splitting function
>> code. if you want a quick look, scroll down to bottom of page:
>> http://www.jwm-art.net/test.php
>>>Regexp are so cool. I remember when I discovered that, I found myself
>>>very powerful...
>> They're something I've been putting off for a long time, but with a
>> good tutorial they're not as intimidating as they appear :-)
>> http://www.regular-expressions.info
>> Cheers,
>> James.
>>>On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 1:46 AM, james jwm-art net <james at jwm-art.net> wrote:
>>>> working toward open-sourcing jwm-art.net
>>>> text-file-based content (*)management system...
>>>>    *maybe mis-management
>>>> some lines that might be found in a text file
>>>> for a page on jwm-art.net:
>>>>    main=text=a line of text with a link to the @=ilink=test=@ page.
>>>>    main=text=@=<<ENDTEXTLINE=@
>>>>    at-tags allow links and other HTML elements to be embedded
>>>>    within a paragraph of text. text as presented in the text
>>>>    file for a page is strictly formatted to @=b=prevent=@
>>>>    characters used in HTML from being interpretted as such.
>>>>    main=image=ride-03@:image from ride-03 page.
>>>> testing a regular expression for detection of
>>>> 'at-tags' - jwm-art.net-style delimiters for
>>>> embedding HTML elements within text.
>>>>    (took eight hours to learn how to use regular)
>>>>    (expressions to arrive at what i thought)
>>>>    (worked in all cases but did not)
>>>> http://www.jwm-art.net/test.php
>>>> test:    $pat='/((?:@=[a-z]+)(?:=@|=[\S ]+?(?==@)))/';
>>>> actual:  $pat='/((?:@=[!a-z\\/\\\]+)(?:=@|=[\S \n]+?(?==@)))/';
>>>> for use: $res=preg_split($pat,$str,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
>>>> (((allows things like @=b=bold\nbold\nstill bold=@ (where line split in
>>>> file)
>>>> (((and @=\=display-at-tag=@ @=/=html comment=@ etc
>>>> (((and @=!=some kind of conditional ICROH used mainly by journal =@
>>>> more:
>>>>    http://www.jwm-art.net/light.php?p=test
>>>> more splitting out of functions for these things...
>>>> keywords page displays the first few lines from the info section of
>>>> a page. look here (notice links):
>>>> http://www.jwm-art.net/light.php?p=str-frag-1.0
>>>> then look at the same information in the keywords listing for that
>>>> http://www.jwm-art.net/light.php?p=keywords&k=chaos
>>>> (( code now less confuse so link never made
>>>> (( as link never made, never get format
>>>> (( so link element never dis-splayed, like old.
>>>> ----------
>>>> steps to open source
>>>> 1) further study of my code and thinking ways to improve it
>>>> 2) removing content from potential src package
>>>> 3) creating documentation for usage of src as content
>>>> 4) remember that we(i) were(was) going to help people out
>>>>   by closing open tags (ie for bold text, italic etc)
>>>>   span anyone? hmmmm, exists, but, but, maybe we have to
>>>>   be crawl to be kined?
>>>> 5) remember to investigate keyword functioning for potential
>>>>   code efficiency improvements(ie is it possible to avoid:
>>>>      grep key1 | grep key2 | grep key3 in favour of regular
>>>>   expression? can more advanced regexps help in keyword
>>>>   functioning?
>>>> 6) stop blabbling so much
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