[NetBehaviour] open test @ net.art-jwm

james jwm-art net james at jwm-art.net
Sat Nov 1 21:44:19 CET 2008

Maybe I confused the matter by saying it's plain text file based.
What I mean is that it does not use SQL databases etc. The file format
is plain text, but the text itself is formatted in a particular way which
is not a text to html conversion, nor intended as such.

i'm trying to provide a overview of the files here:

i've also misnamed the at-tags, these should be called at-eq-tags, and
they have two forms:

@=type=@ and @=type=data=@

the validity of an at-eq-tag is based upon the type consisting only of
lower case letters and the symbols ! and \ and / ...the data can
consist of any printable character.

the at-eq-tags are only used to generate html within a block of text, be
that within <p>, <h1>, <pre> etc.


main=text=Look at the @=ilink=code=@ page.

once the page data (title,keywords,descr) and option page data
(meta,css,etc) have been parsed then all following lines consist of the
following forms:

// comment line

and blank lines are just white space in the file, not in the output.

there are a few inconsistencies, for example, in the home file, the page
option for parent is:


in this case, the at-eq-tag is just a text string to be matched against
for when there is no parent page. it might be changed to be similar to
the preset options below:

in other cases, ie xlink for example, we have xlink=*php which tells the
xlink to use the php preset to form the link. there's a similar form to
display the logo on the home page main=image=*logo , here, the image
processing code finds the correct logo for the theme.

at the bottom of the home file, there's the home links, these are read
for every page to create the navigation bar, and home is the only file
where they're actually specified:

home=ilink=journal ! ! {(*parent==journal)?j=*this:!;}

the format of this link uses a conditional so that when any page has the
journal specified as it's parent, the url is formed with an additional
variable, j=name_of_page.

for an ilink we can specify the whole query string as:

page_name keyword scale other

an exclamation mark in the ilink context means to use the existing values

at the bottom of the test page, there is:


and this places the link to the page piss into the 'related' section of
the navigation bar.

there is also the 'tree' section of the nav bar. goto say the page for
audio made in 2008 and there is a list of audio tracks i've made with
thumbnail images/icons. these are specified like so:


and when you follow the link to a specific page, you get these links
displayed within the 'tree' section of the nav bar. these are
generated by scanning the page specified as the parent, for thumb links
(and ilinks too).

it's untested what happens if you:

home=text=a line of text which gets displayed in the nav bar.


the real at-tags begin with the @ symbol followed by one or two other
symbols and then the data. at-tags are used by ilink,xlink, and image
like so:

main=ilink=home@:the home page for jwm-art.net
main=image=CSSNAKETRIX@:the image for the CSSNAKETRIX page
main=xlink=http://www.website.com@:a fantastic website at _

@:this is the label to display for an image, or the text for a link
@;this is alt-text for an image, or title text for a link
@_ does not have data, it tells a link to open with target="_blank"
@! rel="nofollow" for link

and a number of others.

I will have a look at my regexps and try out other methods to see what i
can come up with.

On 1/11/2008, "james jwm-art net" <james at jwm-art.net> wrote:

>i'm unsure as to what clear spec you want. it's clear to me and i
>thought i'd provided enough information to build a clear-ish picture.
>it's not intended that the text files for pages should be readable as if
>they were not markup, that's never been a goal.
>i've copied two of the files used to generate pages:
>the home page: http://www.jwm-art.net/home.txt
>the test page: http://www.jwm-art.net/test.txt
>it's messy like me i guess.
>it has evolved to do what i want/can get it do.
>On 1/11/2008, "clemos" <cl3mos at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Hi James
>>I think I miss some things because there's no clear specification.
>>I still feel like your regexp could be lighter, or porbably split in several.
>>On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 1:13 AM, james jwm-art net <james at jwm-art.net> wrote:
>>> Hi Clemos,
>>> On 31/10/2008, "clemos" <cl3mos at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>this looks cool.
>>>>did you experiment things like Markdown
>>>>(http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) or such text to html
>>>>converters ?
>>> No I've not heard of Markdown before. (nor have I experimented with any
>>> other text to html converters). Just now took a quick look, it's quite
>>> interesting, but has slightly different goals:
>>> (i'm not completely sure, the area's a bit blurred)
>>> it wants maximum readability of the _text_it_translates_ and is more
>>> xtxexxxtx prose orientated
>>> mine is (perhaps) more layout orientated. i want it to be easy to display
>>> things which look like markup, and things which look like code, such as
>>> odd sequences of characters. and i want it to be easy to display images
>>> or links to other pages (ie main=image=ride-03, ilink=page_name,
>>> xlink=url), so have two + two characters as delimiters for embeding
>>> things is ok, and the @= and =@ characters are uncommon combinations.
>>To me, the best idea in Markdown is to use shorter delimiters for
>>simplest/most common tags (like * * for bold, ** ** for italic, # for
>>title) : quicker to write, clearer to read (no big markup in simple
>>text blocks).
>>Images and links are both supported, as well as embedding raw HTML.
>>About the ilink / xlink functions, my approach would be to have only
>>one function for handling links, and use a custom href syntax. For
>>example : link=url would link to an absolute url, and link=p:page_name
>>would link to the named page. Like this, you can more easily extend
>>the syntax (img:image_name to link an image, file:file_name for files,
>>youtube:youtube_id, whatever). Btw, using a "protocol:" prefix makes
>>it look more like standard urls.
>>The goal (once again) is to split the regexp to have one for
>>retrieving tags, and then other regexps for interpreting them. Like
>>this, the regexps will likely be simpler, faster, and easier to
>>In general, using several simple regexp is better than using a single
>>big one, IMHO.
>>>>my suggestion for a lighter regexp (untested) :
>>>>$pattern = "\@=([^=]*)=([^=]*)=@\siU";
>>>>$replaces = array();
>>>>  for($i=0;$i<count($matches[0]);$i++){
>>>>    $full_tag = $matches[0][$i];
>>>>    $command = $matches[1][$i];
>>>>    $argument = $matches[2][$i];
>>>>    $replaces[$full_tag] = my_html_generator($command,$argument);
>>>>  }
>>>>  $output = strtr($str,$replaces); // there's probably a faster way by
>>> quick test of your regex:
>>> http://www.jwm-art.net/test2.php
>>> doesn't look like it works enough for what i want:
>>> @=b=bold text=@ is determined as an at-tag
>>> @= and =@  is not an at-tag, just printable
>>> <p>will display '<p>' ( <p> ), not create the <p> element
>>> @=b=bold text with @=i=italic=@ also=@
>>> splits as:
>>>    1 an at tag: @=b=bold text with @=i=italic=@
>>>    2 just text: also=@
>>> correct form:
>>> @=b=@alternative syntax for bold, @=i=embedding italic=@ within it.@=b=@
>>> (ie no recursive tag detection - shudder)
>>You're right I didn't get you could nest tags like this, or have @=b=@ tags.
>>Once again I think you should write a clear specification so that
>>you're sure you don't get conflicts or inconsistencies later, and you
>>know exactly what is an expected behaviour and what is a bug.
>>> @=br=@ creates <br> element
>>> @=raw=whatever raw html you want=@
>>> @=\=@=display=this-at-tag=@
>>>  ( ie @=\= is like an escape sequence for preserving at-tag as text )
>>> my previous test.php script now displays my at-tags splitting function
>>> code. if you want a quick look, scroll down to bottom of page:
>>> http://www.jwm-art.net/test.php
>>>>Regexp are so cool. I remember when I discovered that, I found myself
>>>>very powerful...
>>> They're something I've been putting off for a long time, but with a
>>> good tutorial they're not as intimidating as they appear :-)
>>> http://www.regular-expressions.info
>>> Cheers,
>>> James.
>>>>On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 1:46 AM, james jwm-art net <james at jwm-art.net> wrote:
>>>>> working toward open-sourcing jwm-art.net
>>>>> text-file-based content (*)management system...
>>>>>    *maybe mis-management
>>>>> some lines that might be found in a text file
>>>>> for a page on jwm-art.net:
>>>>>    main=text=a line of text with a link to the @=ilink=test=@ page.
>>>>>    main=text=@=<<ENDTEXTLINE=@
>>>>>    at-tags allow links and other HTML elements to be embedded
>>>>>    within a paragraph of text. text as presented in the text
>>>>>    file for a page is strictly formatted to @=b=prevent=@
>>>>>    characters used in HTML from being interpretted as such.
>>>>>    main=image=ride-03@:image from ride-03 page.
>>>>> testing a regular expression for detection of
>>>>> 'at-tags' - jwm-art.net-style delimiters for
>>>>> embedding HTML elements within text.
>>>>>    (took eight hours to learn how to use regular)
>>>>>    (expressions to arrive at what i thought)
>>>>>    (worked in all cases but did not)
>>>>> http://www.jwm-art.net/test.php
>>>>> test:    $pat='/((?:@=[a-z]+)(?:=@|=[\S ]+?(?==@)))/';
>>>>> actual:  $pat='/((?:@=[!a-z\\/\\\]+)(?:=@|=[\S \n]+?(?==@)))/';
>>>>> for use: $res=preg_split($pat,$str,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
>>>>> (((allows things like @=b=bold\nbold\nstill bold=@ (where line split in
>>>>> file)
>>>>> (((and @=\=display-at-tag=@ @=/=html comment=@ etc
>>>>> (((and @=!=some kind of conditional ICROH used mainly by journal =@
>>>>> more:
>>>>>    http://www.jwm-art.net/light.php?p=test
>>>>> more splitting out of functions for these things...
>>>>> keywords page displays the first few lines from the info section of
>>>>> a page. look here (notice links):
>>>>> http://www.jwm-art.net/light.php?p=str-frag-1.0
>>>>> then look at the same information in the keywords listing for that
>>>>> http://www.jwm-art.net/light.php?p=keywords&k=chaos
>>>>> (( code now less confuse so link never made
>>>>> (( as link never made, never get format
>>>>> (( so link element never dis-splayed, like old.
>>>>> ----------
>>>>> steps to open source
>>>>> 1) further study of my code and thinking ways to improve it
>>>>> 2) removing content from potential src package
>>>>> 3) creating documentation for usage of src as content
>>>>> 4) remember that we(i) were(was) going to help people out
>>>>>   by closing open tags (ie for bold text, italic etc)
>>>>>   span anyone? hmmmm, exists, but, but, maybe we have to
>>>>>   be crawl to be kined?
>>>>> 5) remember to investigate keyword functioning for potential
>>>>>   code efficiency improvements(ie is it possible to avoid:
>>>>>      grep key1 | grep key2 | grep key3 in favour of regular
>>>>>   expression? can more advanced regexps help in keyword
>>>>>   functioning?
>>>>> 6) stop blabbling so much
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