[NetBehaviour] the anomalous wave - rampART discussion (UK).

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Tue Nov 4 15:53:10 CET 2008

the anomalous wave - rampART discussion (UK).

For a number of weeks in Italy the entire world of the education system
- from universities to elementary schools - has been uprising. Marches,
occupations, demonstrations, pickets and blockages of the metropolitan
flow have replaced the dreary rhythm of school timetables. The protests
are against the new budget implemented by Berlusconi’s government last
summer, which seriously cuts down on public funding of education. This
is the outcome of a 10 year period of crisis of the education system in
Italy, when Berlusconi’s Right and Prodi’s Left alike treated education
as a cost rather than an investment.     
The closure of many universities, precariousness and the dismissal of
thousands of new teachers and researchers: Berlusconi’s government wants
the university to pay to save itself from the crisis of banks and
private corporations.

In support of this large and strong movement of students, researchers
and teachers - the so-called Anomalous Wave - we would like to invite
you to participate to a debate held at the social centre Rampart
(http://therampart.wordpress.com http://therampart.wordpress.com/).
This movement gives us a chance to open up a new Europe-wide discussion
on education today. From the struggles in Greece to the anti-CPE
protests in France, the movement of the Anomalous Wave sweeps through
Europe. What this means is that education and the Bologna process must
start afresh on the basis of these struggles, turning education into the
field of their circulation and connection, and Europe into its political
domain of growth and enlargement.
The 7th of November is a day of action in Italy and this week will see a
communication action in London as well as Barcelona, in support of and
to multiply the Anomalous Waves and get ready for the Sea Storm. Anyone
who wants to take part in, or have information about the time and place
of this action can come to the event at Rampart on Wednesday at 7pm, or
email: anomalouswave.london at gmail.com
<mailto:anomalouswave.london at gmail.com>

15 -17 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA (near Whitechapel, off Commercial Rd)

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