[NetBehaviour] real_world.chasing_the_light | 00_page.layout

james jwm-art net james at jwm-art.net
Sun Nov 9 03:21:09 CET 2008


rwcl-23.jpg @tachment

camera is not working properly. light is leaking in somewhere.
camera introducing digital noise into digital photographs...
scaled, the noise forms blocks like division of odd numbers...

more of these, and wild mushrooms with weird patterns on coming one day
to my website...

as is:

JWM-CMS is in development, text files used not SQL databases....
based on existing code, but much re-structured, and, not that you've
seen the bulk of the code, just snippets,it's re-structuring classes.
00_page.layout is the template for pages, dictates where the information
in the pages will be amongst the formal HTML thingy-ma-jiggs and like,
it's in development.

so far, it displays an empty (to view) page , page title in browser
title-bar, keywords,descr meta info, <head>, <style> stylelink rel=
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