[NetBehaviour] The Loft

karen blissett karen.blissett at googlemail.com
Tue Nov 18 12:55:23 CET 2008

Hello Kamen,

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On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 5:55 AM, Kamen Nedev <kamennedev at gmail.com> wrote:

> Section 1 - The Loft
> The sun is a backdrop. The sun is in the Mezzanine.
> The Mezzanine is a room. "You ruch upstairs, climb up the fifth
> flight of stairs, breathless, staring at the big hole up above."
> Slightly Wrong the Chamber is above the Mezzanine. "[if unvisited] So
> this is the room they found yesterday. A full study, left intact and
> walled up in what must have once been an attic of sorts. Crazy. You
> remember asking the architect about that weird air chamber just above
> the mezzanine of the loft, but no-one could have imagined this. [end
> if] The chamber looks just like those parts of your grandparents'
> attic you needn't be told not to go into."
> A desk is here. "An old, mouldy desk is set up against the wall.
> You'd expect to see a window in front of it, but there are no windows
> here, even the door had been walled up." It is fixed in place.
> On the desk there are some papers. "There are some papers on the desk
> - or whatever that is, you expect it to be a pile of sheets."
> A drawer is a kind of container. The desk contains a drawer. The
> drawer is closed. It is fixed in place and openable.
> A filing cabinet is a kind of container. The old filing cabinet is
> here. "That thing under the desk looks like one of those filing
> cabinets you remember from your Dad's study." The filing cabinet is
> closed. It is fixed in place, openable, and locked.
> Kamen Nedev
> http://www.waitingforcargo.net
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