[NetBehaviour] JWM-ART:#!/awful/writing (fit for no particular purpose)

Edward Picot edward at edwardpicot.com
Fri Sep 5 13:09:54 CEST 2008

I liked this. I think we can all empathise with the bit that goes "AS FAR AS WHAT I ACTUALLY WANT TO USE MY NEW COMPUTER FOR, I'VE GOT NOWHERE, ACHIEVED NOTHING". I sometimes wonder if this kind of setback is actually good for us spiritually - teaches us patience, stoicism, mental resilience. The thing is about working with computers, you think to yourself "Right, I must get this finished by Tuesday" - but sometimes things go wrong in such an overwhelming fashion that there's simply no way you can get anything complete by any given deadline: you just have to work through your difficulties, and it takes as long as it takes.

However, the truth of the matter probably is that these setbacks teach you nothing. In-between times you just block them out of your mind, and imagine that normality consists of everything working as it should. Then when the next setback comes along, your world falls to pieces all over again.

- Edward Picot
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