[NetBehaviour] Talkaoke Host training session #1

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Sun Sep 7 14:58:12 CEST 2008

Talkaoke Host training session #1

Since Mikey invented Talkaoke 1997, there have been some memorable guest
hosts who have spontaneously taken control of the hole and tried their
hand as a swivelly chairperson.

To celebrate the construction of Talkaoke Table version 4.0, The People
Speak are running the first of many Talkaoke host masterclasses, regular
'studio sessions' at our Shoreditch HQ where we'll be training up the
next generation of Talakoke hosts, and inviting guest performers to
bring their own flavour to the doughnut of chat.

You are invited to join in - either in the hot seat as a host, or as a
stooge, taking the mic and putting the new hosts through their paces.
If you've never seen Talkaoke - this is also a good chance to try it!

Training induction starts at 7pm, chat starts at 8 and goes on 'til
late. If you want to do the training - email asia at theps.net with your
stage name, email, and phone number. If you're in it for the chat - just
turn up around 7:30 with your own agenda.

* 17-25 Cremer St.
* London, E2 8HD
* +44(0)2076133001
* Wednesday 24th September
* 19:00 - 20:00, then chat 'til late
* updates: http://talkaoke.com/?p=209

-- The People Speak | 17-25 Cremer St. London E2 8HD | http://theps.net 
studio +44 (0)20 71007915 | saul: +44 (0)7941 255210 | ms at theps.net

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