[NetBehaviour] The Puzzle Box, Chapter 8 (and other items of interest)

Edward Picot edward at edwardpicot.com
Mon Sep 8 16:16:12 CEST 2008

"The wind was blowing harder now, and the snow was coming down in thick flurries, which quickly turned the fronts of their clothes white and made it difficult either to see or hear; but Dora thought she heard a snatch of music. Then one of the little boys started jumping up and down and pointing. 'Look! Look! They're dancing! They're dancing!' Everyone looked where the little boy was pointing. On the far side of the snow-field, next to the fir trees, the snowmen and snow-women were moving."

Dora finds herself in a winter wonderland, wrapped in a delicious magic, and all her problems seem to be over... but she can't help feeling that she's forgotten something.

(If you don't see links to all eight chapters when you get to the Puzzle Box index-page, click CTRL + Refresh to update the page.)

- Edward Picot
http://hyperex.co.uk - The Hyperliterature Exchange
http://edwardpicot.com - personal website


"Wordscapes", by Peter Cho (http://www.typotopo.com/wordscapes/): Made in Processing, this is a sequence of 26 animated words - one for each letter of the alphabet. As there are a lot of them some are naturally more interesting than others, but the best are very witty and inventive: I particularly like "restless", for example, where whichever part of the word you point at with your mouse stays still, while the rest of it jiggles nervously about.

"Clearance", by Andy Campbell (http://www.dreamingmethods.com/): The latest project from Dreaming Methods (Andy Campbell, Author X). "A protagonist experiences frightening apocalyptic visions whilst trapped in a hypnagogic state." Throughout most of this work we are finding our way through parts of the British countryside, which is littered with the evidence of some kind of disaster, and studded with mysterious stone or wooden heads. The text is almost disposable: the pictures and soundtrack might well have been enough by themselves in this instance. But there is a genuinely heart-stopping moment at the end, involving a hooded figure in a shed.

"Passage" and "Gravitation" by Jason Rohrer (http://hcsoftware.sourceforge.net/jason-rohrer/): I got this off Rhizome. Jason Rohrer, the designer/programmer, refers to these as "autobiographical" games. "Passage" is a kind of maze-game in which the maze represents life, and "Gravitation" is about Rohrer playing with his son and getting inspiration from him, but needing to stop playing with him in order to work. The startling thing about both is the emotional punch they pack, and the economy of means with which this is achieved.
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