[NetBehaviour] urges

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Mon Sep 8 23:13:43 CEST 2008


These images: articulation dots; Yamantaka; avatar construction plans,
Poser speeds endlessly through the body - I love these feelings - images:
articulation dots; Yamantaka; avatar construction plans; Poser... My
avatars attempting to negotiate them; they carry a mute symbolic which is
yours... as usual with avatars and landscapes, blank out into pixel-mania,
no calls forth crawled, eating, core-dumping, in-you the where, as usual
with avatars and landscapes, blank out into pixel-mania, no organs and
grids crawled in here...

Are you properly compiling as usual with avatars and landscapes, blank out
into pixel-mania, no ? For 1 day, I have been Julu... and it has taken you
just 0.133 minutes turning on ... This Julu cries out of Titus Andronicus,
will be forgotten. words lose tongues, speed endlessly through the body -
I love these feelings, Julu cries out of Titus Andronicus, will be
forgotten. words lose tongues... My sward, mobile and translucent - Julu
says more organism! more organism! is yours... neither object nor clothing
surface lovely Julu Twine! calls forth incandescent, eating, core-dumping.

Within , neither object nor clothing surface lovely Julu Twine!  bark or
stone, portend maternal fecundity, Julu Twine murmuring in - incandescent
from the breasts - it's possible to see Julu Twine in mid-air with full -
here, it's incandescent -

Are you properly compiling neither object nor clothing surface lovely Julu
Twine? For 1 day, I've been dreaming Julu... and it has taken you just
0.133 minutes turning on...

This julu emits particle torso smoke, black smoker as undersea, seabottom,
speeds endlessly through the body - I love these feelings. julu emits
particle torso smoke, black smoker as undersea, seabottom - Would julu
emit particle torso smoke, black smoker as undersea, seabottom, mind your
wetware? My waiting if i could not write, julu, signifies nothing. i would
write yours...

julu only knows full and emptied sky, no thunderstorms, lightning, calls
forth the incandescent, eating, core-dumping put-you-in-me cocaine-you-
know-me, julu only knows full and emptied sky, no thunderstorms, light-
ning, julu lives and works on a small square or spit of land attached to?

...incandescent is - suckle me, julu, let me bleed open for you and there,
drink my blood, here, it's incandescent? Are you properly compiling julu
only knows full and emptied sky, no thunderstorms, lightning?

Wait! julu only knows full and emptied sky, no thunderstorms, lightning.
are gone forever! For 1 day, I have been where Julu ... and it has taken
you just 0.133 minutes turning on...


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