[NetBehaviour] 3rd Upgrade! International Meeting

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Tue Sep 9 20:40:17 CEST 2008

3rd Upgrade! International Meeting
Hosted by: Skopje (Macedonia)
Dates: 11-14 September 2008

- french below -

It's our pleasure to announce the 3rd Upgrade! International meeting 
"Chain Reaction" that will take place in Skopje, Macedonia from 
September 11th to 14th, 2008. Growing from the Upgrade! International 
community, this event takes the form of a city-wide digital art and 
networked culture festival including exhibitions, screenings, live local 
and streamed performances and a program of critical and active lectures 
and workshops exploring numerous facets in the field of digital art.
Chain Reaction brings together artists, curators and art producers from 
more than 20 cities worldwide (Asia, Canada, Europe, North America, 
South America, South Africa, New Zealand).

The artistic program shows current tendencies in the use of hardware and 
software development for artistic means. The artists presented here are 
the emergent creative force on the international new media art scene.
Some of the works have been part of other exhibitions and festivals, and 
others have been created exclusively for this event. One of the dominant 
principles that have emerged in this collection of works is the blurring 
of the boundaries between art, cultures, technology and physical 
surroundings. This blurring is not about fading out; it is about 
illuminating and distributing new kinds of practices. It is about 
multiple modes of participating, navigating and deconstructing.

Chain Reaction explores issues of cultural development and growth in the 
local region as well as within digital networks. Exhibiting works and 
presentations from over 20 cities across the world, the organizers 
expect this event to be a catalyst for dialog, future collaborations and 
new cultural understanding.

The meeting theme "Chain Reaction" illustrates the network itself, the 
way it works and functions, correlates and interacts. The 
Upgrade!International started as a creative spark that gradually grew 
into an international group of nodes influencing each other continually 
through permanent communication. The meeting gathers Upgrade! nodes into 
one core event in Macedonia and will hopefully cause a positive chain 
reaction. Upgrade! network gathers annually or bi-annually, each time in 
a different city for a festival by artists who participated in the 
Upgrade! meetings around the world.

Event info: http://www.line.org.mk

- fr -

3èmes Rencontres Upgrade! International
Ville hôte: Skopje (Macédoine)
Dates: du 11 au 14 septembre 2008

Les Rencontres Upgrade! International rassemblent des structures 
culturelles de 20 différentes villes autour de l'organisation commune de 
l'événement culturel "Chain Reaction" dédié aux arts visuels et aux 
nouveaux médias, comprenant une exposition, des conférences, des 
performances, des projections, des concerts, et des workshops sur 
plusieurs jours et dans les principaux lieux culturels de la ville de 

Programme complet des Rencontres:

Upgrade! Paris, l'antenne parisienne organisée par Incident.net, a été 
invité à présenter dans ce cadre, une sélection d'oeuvres de la scène 
artistique locale dans le domaine des nouveaux médias.

Avec, pour la participation du noeud parisien:

D'Antoine Schmitt, installation interactive, 2004

De RYBN, installation audiovisuelle en temps réel, 2006-2008

# Performances:

D'Antoine Schmitt, performance audiovisuelle, 2008
Le 11/09, au Small Graphic studio – Musée de la ville de Skopje

De RYBN, Performance audiovisuelle, 2008
Le 13/09, au MNT center

HPNS #001
De Jack /RYBN, performance audiovisuelle, 2008
Le 13/09, au MNT center

# Projections vidéo au Macedonian Theatre
Dans le cadre de la programmation "Chain reaction screenings" organisée 
par Basak Senova:

Back in blue/Evelyne, de Matthieu Clainchard, 2003

# Workshop à l'Université Européenne:

Le collectif RYBN animera un workshop d'initiation à Pure Data, un 
logiciel de programmation graphique pour la création musicale et 
multimédia en temps réel.
A l'Université Européenne.




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