[NetBehaviour] The Jeremy Bailey Interview on the Netbehaviour.

Jeremy Bailey jeremy at jeremybailey.net
Fri Sep 12 13:00:36 CEST 2008

Hey Marc,

1. Absolutely conscious. As I hinted the perception of some kind of
order, some truth in everything that can be revealed is both
interesting and hilarious to me. Mostly because the process involves a
tremendous amount of abstraction, and therefore an acceptable amount
of error. This error, or this incompleteness reflects strongly on my
thoughts concerning artist ego. As in, the artist ego is a very
precarious and fragile instrument that should likely never be played.
Of course the audience's willingness to accept a temporary fantasy is
also integral. The whole situation just makes me smile. It's so cute.

2. On Friday I will present a new performance called WarMail. It
evolved from HTTPs request for a piece that took collaboration into
concern. I frankly have little tolerance for collaboration and it's
uber inclusive oxymoronic brother audience participation. My thought
is, whatever version of collaboration you subscribe to, the outcome is
usually the result of whatever interface you chose to work under.  A
jam band is a good example. A terrible interface that results in vomit
inducing tedium for the audience. SO! with that in mind, I have
written a new piece of software that I will demo with the help of the
audience. The software is a "thin" email client. As in limited. It's
all interface and it plays a bit like a game of asteroids. Think
war/office hybrid.  It also takes most of the direct control away from
me, the author, and puts me in the role of conductor, which is a nice
way of thinking about what an interface actually does. As a group we
will attempt to write an email to my mother, whom I haven't seen in a
while due to overseas travel. The interface is controlled by the
groups voice and body movements. Of course, the audience could
overthrow this decision, and herein lies the opportunity to examine
our primal desire for conflict. Every collaboration is fraught with
it, the project just tries to make this as direct and obvious as
possible. So, on friday, using our collective shrieking and some dance
moves we will decide to either get along and celebrate the woman who
brought me into this world, or we will engage in a messy incoherent
curse word peppered battle that leaves my mother wondering why she
ever starting using the Internet. Either way, I think we're going to
have fun and we're going to feel something strange.


On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 10:59 PM, marc garrett
<marc.garrett at furtherfield.org> wrote:
> Hi Jeremy,
> It is interesting how well the main image that you have designed for
> 'WarMail', relates to the references you have posted. This shows an
> attention to fine detail, not just with respect to the colour used, but
> also the form and composition. The triangle used in 'WarMail'
> symbolically could be associated to the American One Dollar Bill (I'm
> using a shorter link here just to be practical for the list)
> http://tinyurl.com/6paf9x - it also seems fitting that the latin words
> 'Novus ordo seclorum' when translated mean 'New Order of the Ages'.
> Scary stuff, almost Star Wars rhetoric.
> "The phrase Novus ordo seclorum (Latin for "New Order of the Ages")
> appears on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, first
> designed in 1782 and printed on the back of the American dollar bill
> since 1935..."
> "The phrase is often mistranslated as "New World Order," but the Latin
> for that phrase would be Novus Ordo Mundi." Wikipedia -
> http://tinyurl.com/5jqgcs
> So, I have two questions. The first is whether you were conscious of
> these connections?
> The other is asking if you could share with us the context and processes
> of the 'WarMail' performance at the Gallery next Friday?
> marc
>> Hi Marc, everyone,
>> The Logo is inspired by diverse sources,
>> the primary purpose is for it to look and feel a lot like the contents
>> of next Friday's performance.
>> I work a lot in graphic arts and advertising and I often try and
>> reflect current cultural trends/aesthetics in my own artwork work to
>> discuss the interplay between the way information is designed and the
>> way it is received. In other words, the way things look right now have
>> a lot to do with the way things are right now and vice versa. I'm
>> currently very interested in recent revivals in 80s aesthetics,
>> especially the use of airbrushed 3d Wireframe models and the
>> combination of certain colours like the teal and red pictured in the
>> logo. This look is obviously apparent in a lot of early videogames,
>> and computer visualizations. I suppose it originally existed as a
>> limitation of graphics power but evolved into an aesthetic that
>> represents something else. I've also been looking at a lot of Op art
>> and cold war computer interfaces.
>> for those more visual below is a list of links to inspired sources.
>> Op Art, Richard Anuszkiewicz
>> <http://www.okcmoa.com/~okcmoa/files/u1/Anuszkiewicz__Diamond_Chroma__1968.091.jpg>
>> Daft Punk, Alive Logo:
>> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/49/Daft_Punk_Alive_2007.JPG
>> Tron, Poster: http://www.galacticawatercooler.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/post-tron.jpg
>> more Tron artwork:
>> <http://pics.livejournal.com/xray_studios/pic/0002q0k2/s640x480>
>> Kavinsky Album Art:
>> <http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51XUwgQCmmL._SL500_AA280_.jpg>
>> Metallica Logo: <http://www.freewebs.com/d4wg/metallica.jpg>
>> American One Dollar Bill:
>> <http://www.kumah.org/uploaded_images/OneDollar_NovusOrdoSeclorum-704631.jpg>
>> Asteroids Deluxe Artwork:
>> <http://i.cdn.turner.com/gametap/web30/games/120018050/AsteroidsDeluxe_ARC_Atari_205_914b0.PNG>
>> Iron Man, the movie's computer interface
>> <http://www.denofgeek.com/siteimage/scale/800/600/21640.png>
>> FA 18 Fighter cockpit:
>> <http://www.ausairpower.net/FA-18D-Cockpit-Night-Attack-S.jpg>
>> jeremy
>> On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 4:10 PM, marc garrett
>> <marc.garrett at furtherfield.org> wrote:
>>> A warm welcome to Netbehaviour Jeremy,
>>> I want to begin by discussing 'WarMail' which will be performed with a
>>> participating audience at the HTTP Gallery next Friday the 19th.
>>> I am intrigued by the image that you are using to represent this project.
>>> It looks as if it might be referring to a Star Wars film poster, but I am
>>> sure that this is not the case. Could you enlighten us on how this image
>>> came about?
>>> marc
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