[NetBehaviour] MOBILEFEST 2008
info at furtherfield.org
Sat Sep 13 17:53:20 CEST 2008
How can mobile technology contribute to democracy, culture, art,
ecology, peace, education, health and third-sector?
3g, activism, art, augmented reality, bluetooth, citizen videos,
culture, cyberculture, democracy, diy, ecology, education, electronic
art, electronic music, gprs, gps, health, innovation, interactive and
networked performance with mobile and wireless devices, interactive
architecture, lbs, live cinema, locative, mesh networks, mms, mobile
activism, mobile and wireless games, mobile applications, mobile
education, mobile music, mobile narrative, mobile streaming, open
networks, peace, rfid, sensors, sms, third-sector, trends, video
production and distribution, wearable technologies, wi-fi, wi-max,
zigbee, etc.
Mobilefest - International Festival of Mobile Arts and Creativity is an
event that aims to question and discuss the advent of the new mobile
technologies in their relationships with the various segments of
society, being the first International Festival of the kind.
The main objective is to provide a multifaceted and heterogenic
environment of discussions, actions and creations that seek intelligent
and innovative solutions, through the virtualities of the new mobile
technologies, to solve or even discuss the issues that trouble
contemporary societies.
The effort of the event in regards to the new communication technologies
is based on the perception of its potential growth - there are more than
3 billion active mobiles nowadays. The increase of its use is not only
for communication between people, but also for activities of education,
social inclusion, varied artistic productions, entertainment, security,
content production and distribution, socialization networks, activism
actions, health, commerce, advertising, etc.
The I Mobilefest was launched in November 2006, with an international
seminar that took place in São Paulo, at Sesc Paulista, with live and
free transmission via the Internet. In its first edition, it broached
the social, cultural and aesthetic implications that the mobile ands
mobile technologies have been promoting in global scale. The festival
discussed the main outlining of the relationships between mobile
technologies (like mobile, handhelds, etc.) and the many segments of the
society listed above. Besides the discussion, the event is made of
technical and cultural activities and also includes an expositive
exhibition and the launch of a recognition award of the best mobile
works in the following catgories: SMS Writing - Micro Stories and
Poetry, Photojournalism, Video, Moblogs and Videologs , the I Mobilefest
The seminar gathered 14 foreign artists and researchers and 20 Brazilian
artists and specialists. The II edition of Mobilefest (2007) gathered
together artists, researchers and panelists from many countries and had
considerable increase in the size of its programmation. It was 5 days of
seminars, 2 days of bootcamp and 30 days of exhibition. The big
innovation in 2007 was the realization of simultaneous events in England
(University of Westmister), in The Netherlands, (The Waag Society) and
in the United States (New York University - ITP). In the audiovisual
section, Mobilefest consolidated the wish to creat a network of
international festivals about mobile content production. Aside from
Telemig Arte Mov (Brazil) and Mobifest (Canada), already present in the
previous year, other festivals were shown, such as Movilfilm Fest
(Spain), Pocket Shorts (England and Scotland), Pocket Films (France),
Microfilmes (Portugal) and The 4th Screen (United States). The extensive
Mobilefest schedule also includeded: videoconferences, meetings,
seminars, Mobileactive at Mobilefest and the International Exhibition.
In this year also, Mobilefest Festival became and oficial part of the
calendar for the city of São Paulo.
* Popularise mobile technology as to contribute to social inclusion
through the generalisation of knowledge, its use and possibilities of
interaction promoted by these new communication media.
* Offer the audience the an award specialised in recognising works that
use mobile technology.
* Promote cultural interchange among national and international
researchers and producers of this area.
* Incentive the creative thought and production about the new
technologies aiming to expand the possible hardware and software
functions in the mobile technology sector.
* Stimulate the production of content in the mobile technology segment
in Brazil in terms of production in the industrial segment as well as
from the point of view of the independent creator, thus intending to
seek for balanced ways of relationships between these two players which
will not mean mutual negation.
* Enable the participation of all interested in producing and
distributing content through the mobile communication networks.
In 2007 Mobilefest introduced the reflection 'Telecommunications and
information technologies when linking people and ideas remotely help
diminishing the impact of destructive chain, mainly diminishing the
harmful effects of carbon emission'. 'How can mobile phones and mobile
technologies contribute to the environment?'
Choosing the ENVIRONMENT as a theme seeks for civil society mobilisation
facing the numerous environmental disasters that have already happened
and for considering this as a rich space for experimentation through
using mobile technologies.
In 2008, besides the question 'How can mobile technology contribute to
democracy, culture, art, ecology, peace, health and third-sector?',
Mobilefest's edition intends to emphasise a contemporary issue "The
precious and valuable time that people in big cities wasted daily in
their traffic jams. Be it in a collective way-underground, train, bus,
vans, school transport - or privately- car, motorbike and taxi,
inhabitants spend around 1 hour and 20 minutes commuting on a daily
basis and, slowness increases 15% yearly.
Time wasted commuting plus the harm caused by air pollution sum up
annual loss of R$ 4,1 billion to Brazilian public safes.
How to transform 'lost time' into 'productive time' using access to
mobile internet and different ways of wireless connection?
How to improve the use of mobile technology when we are immobile? What
kind of content can be used for education, culture, art, through these
technologies? What's the value of mobility in immobile cities? How to
use mobile technologies to improve chaotic traffic of big cities?
Despite mobiles with GPS, traffic surveillance cameras and RFID labels
in public transport tickets, most people still get stuck to a routine of
slow commuting. How to stimulate the use of public transport providing
new forms of mobile internet in such means? Personal mobility and
collective mobility.
Mobilefest 2008 suggests that companies, people and the government
reflect on how to use mobile technologies to access new information
sources of education, and entertainment, transforming 'lost time' in
traffic into 'time for digital inclusion', contributing to forming a
society that promotes more opportunities and diminish environmental impact.
How can mobile technology contribute to democracy, culture, art,
ecology, peace, education, health and third-sector?
The deadline for posters, projects and papers is September 30th 2008.
Earlier email correspondence with the festival is more than welcome!
Submissions should be sent by September 30th 2008 via email to
2008(at)mobilefest.org including information bellow:
Complete name:
Organization / Company:
Short bio:
Summary / Abstract:
Includes a demonstration? YES/NO
A new tool or version is released during this event? YES/NO
Format: Conference / Workshop / Demonstration
Internet connectivity needed? YES / NO
Telephone number:
Mobile number:
University (optional):
University level (optional):
Proposed category (democracy, culture, art, ecology, peace, education,
health, third-sector or “all together**)
** MOBILEFEST is a transdisciplinary event, the more interconnection,
the better.
- Abstracts must be 300 words minimum
- Papers must be 1000 words minimum
- The submitted paper must be written in English, Portuguese, Spanish or
- Papers submitted are limited to 45 minutes presentation
- The paper must be attached to the email in .TXT, .RTF, .DOC or PDF files.
- Projects must have documentation: blueprint, photos, video and
technical rider.
- Submit as many works as you want, one mail submission for each.
- Workshop / Demonstration - Format: 30 min to 2 hours demonstration /
Adriene Jenik, Alan Kay, Alberto Magno, Alberto Tognazzi, Alexandre
Matias, Ami Dar, Amyris Fernandez, André Lemos, Andreas Blazoudakis,
Ângela Bardin, Armin Medosch, Becky Faith, Brenda Burrell, Camille
Baker, Carmen Maia, Carol Mafra, César Jartorelli, Christian Wiener,
Clóvis Borges, Cory Ramey, Cyrus Frisch, Daniel Araújo, Daniel
Florêncio, Daniel Oelsner Lopes, David Barnard, David Cavallo, Douglas
Nadalini da Silva, Duncan Kennedy, Eduardo Bicudo, Eliezer Muniz, Eva
Weber, Evgeny Morozov, Fabio Fon, Felipe Albuquerque Pereira, Fernando
Teco Sodré, Gabe Sawhney, Geandre Tomazoni, Geert Lovink, Gilson
Schwartz, Giselle Beiguelman, Graham Brown-Martin, Graziela Tanaka,
Gustavo Mansur, Heather A. Horst, Hernani Dimantas, Howard Rheingold,
Hyejin Choi, Irene Karaguilla Ficheman, Jackson Filho, Jane Placca,
Jason Lewis, Javier Rodrigo, Jean-Noël Montagné, Jinwoo Chung, Jonah
Brucker-Cohen, Juan Carlos Zuñiga Torres, Juca Varella, Karinna
Bidermann, Kate Bauer, Kate Hartman, Kati London, Katrin Verclas, Liana
Brazil, Lisa Roberts, Lucas Bambozzi, Lucas Longo, Lucie Bélanger,
Marcelo Nunes de Carvalho, Marcelo Tas, Maroussia Lévesque, Martin Owen,
Maurício Hirata, Mauro Rubens, Max Leite, Max Schleser, Mieke Gerritzen,
Mimi Ito, Norene Leddy, Oleksandr Demchenko, Otakar Svacina, Paulo
Henrique Ferreira, Pedro Paranaguá, Rachel Jacobs, Rachel Payne, Renato
Cruz, Renato Rollemberg, Rob van Kranenburg, Robson Lisboa, Rogério da
Costa, Ronald Lenz, Ronaldo Simão da Costa, Rosana Herman, Roseli de
Deus Lopes, Russ Rive, Shawn Van Every, Sheila Kinkade, Soraya Braz,
Suely Rolnik, Tamaryn Nelson, Toni Eliasz, Victor Rebouças, Volker
Grassmut, Wagner Martins, Zico Góes
Argentina, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia,
England, EUA, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Luxemburg, Peru,
Portugal, Scotland, Serbia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands,
Uruguay, Zimbabwe.
MOBILEFEST has started in 2007 a network of mobile content festivals, if
you are connected with a festival not listed bellow and wish to take
part of this network, please contact us at 2008(at)mobilefest.org. Our
partners include:
- Mobifest | Canada
- Pocket Shorts | UK
- Pocket Films | France
- Arte Mov | Brazil
- Microfilmes de Lisboa | Portugal
- The 4th Screen | USA
MOBILEFEST has started in 2007 a network of Mobilefest Nodes in
Universities, Media Centers and Researches Institutes around the world ,
if you want your institution to be connected with Mobilefest , please
contact us at 2008(at)mobilefest.org
Our partners include:
- Waag society | The Netherlands, Amsterdam
- Westminster University | UK, London
- New York University - ITP | USA, New York
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