[NetBehaviour] Common Sense and Intelligent User Interfaces 2009
marc garrett
marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Tue Sep 16 02:00:55 CEST 2008
Common Sense and Intelligent User Interfaces 2009: Story Understanding
and Generation for Context-Aware Interface Design.
February 8th, 2009, Sanibel Island, Florida
"Knowlege is stories" - Roger Schank
While much work in AI has represented simple knowledge about everyday
life and activities at the word, sentence, and logical assertion level,
we see a growing need to understand it at a larger granularity, that of
stories. A story is a short, focused description of people and events
occurring over time, that has a "point" -- to inform, teach, question,
entertain, educate, illustrate or amuse.
Capturing common sense knowledge often involves uncovering the implicit,
unstated assumptions behind communication, often best expressed through
stories. Work in story representations dates back to Schank-style
scripts and other efforts in the 80s, but recent developments have
unleashed new potential in this area. The maturity of common sense
knowledge bases such as Cyc, Open Mind and ThoughtTreasure; statistical
and corpora-based natural language understanding techniques; the
explosion of participatory knowledge collection over the Web; progress
in cognitive science; the popularity of Web-based storytelling media
such as blogs; and new common sense reasoning techniques are all
enablers of the new generation of work on common sense stories.
Topics include, but are by no means limited to:
* Story understanding and natural language understanding
* Extraction of common sense knowledge from stories
* A cognitive modeling based understanding of stories
* Common sense knowledge bases to facilitate story understanding and
story generation
* Acquiring story knowledge from users or from the internet
* Representation and reasoning with story knowledge
* Blogs and nonlinear fiction and nonfiction media as a source of
stories or as a domain
* Interfaces to facilitate storytelling by users in text, audio,
pictures, and video media
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