[NetBehaviour] How to attend PICNIC and save money.

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Tue Sep 16 19:10:16 CEST 2008

How to attend PICNIC and save money
24 | 25 | 26 September 2008
Happy hackers and much more...

MEDIAMATIC is part of PICNIC again, the three day cross-media bonanza 
taking place from 24 to 26 September on the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam.

We will be organising one of the most exciting labs that PICNIC hosts 
this year. In the 5 days preceding PICNIC, the Social RFID Hackers Camp 
will explore recent technologies, interaction design and social 
processes, and aims to realize a bunch of engaging interactive 
installations, wearables and spaces, for the visitors of PICNIC to play 
with. The results will be amazing, subversive, beautiful and unheard of! 
Read the interview with Willem Velthoven of Mediamatic.

Visit the Happy Hackers

On Wednesday 25 September at 18.00 we will give a special presentation 
and let you experience the results of the hackerscamp. Admission to the 
PICNIC Club is € 15. Please make a reservation here, and we will make 
sure your special PICNIC 'ik'-tag with a RFID chip is waiting for you.

For all those who want to attend PICNIC08 at another time, here is a 
list of all options (and prices). If you make your booking please use 
code 271425 and get a 10% discount!
- PICNIC Conference, 1245 Euro for three day access, or 595 for one a 
one day ticket.
- PICNIC Specials, 95 Euro for access to all specials on one day, incl 
lunch and ticket to the party on Friday
- PICNIC Club, 15 euro (no discount) access for great business 
networking, to visit the PICNIC Labs, including Mediamatic’s PICNIC hub 
or the PICNIC cross media party on Friday.

And finally, PICNIC does have some SWEET DEALS...... You can win a free 
ticket if you convince the judges: Erwin Blom if you are a start-up, Rob 
van Kranenburg if you are an artist or Anne Helmond if you are a new 
media researcher.

Check www.picnicnetwork.org

Westergasfabriek, Haarlemmerweg / Pazzanistraat 41, Amsterdam

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