[NetBehaviour] EFF Sues NSA, President Bush, and Vice President Cheney...

info info at furtherfield.org
Fri Sep 19 11:21:07 CEST 2008

EFF Sues NSA, President Bush, and Vice President Cheney to Stop Illegal 
New Legal Challenge to Unconstitutional Domestic Spying.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed a lawsuit against the 
National Security Agency (NSA) and other government agencies today on 
behalf of AT&T customers to stop the illegal, unconstitutional, and 
ongoing dragnet surveillance of their communications and communications 
records. The five individual plaintiffs are also suing President George 
W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Cheney's chief of staff David 
Addington, former Attorney General and White House Counsel Alberto 
Gonzales and other individuals who ordered or participated in the 
warrantless domestic surveillance.

The lawsuit, Jewel v. NSA, is aimed at ending the NSA's dragnet 
surveillance of millions of ordinary Americans and holding accountable 
the government officials who illegally authorized it. Evidence in the 
case includes undisputed documents provided by former AT&T 
telecommunications technician Mark Klein showing AT&T has routed copies 
of Internet traffic to a secret room in San Francisco controlled by the NSA.

That same evidence is central to Hepting v. AT&T, a class-action lawsuit 
filed by EFF in 2006 to stop the telecom giant's participation in the 
illegal surveillance program. Earlier this year, Congress passed a law 
attempting to derail that case by unconstitutionally granting immunity 
to AT&T and other companies that took part in the dragnet. Hepting v. 
AT&T is now stalled in federal court while EFF argues with the 
government over whether the immunity is constitutional and applies in 
that case -- litigation that is likely to continue well into 2009.


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