[NetBehaviour] Digicult: Digimag 37/September 08_English Version Online

Redazione Digicult redazione at digicult.it
Wed Sep 24 16:37:20 CEST 2008

Sorry for any crossposting

Digicult presents:


The english version of Digimag, Digicult monthly e-magazine of digital 
culture and electronic arts, is available online

You can read all the past articles and issues in the Archive section here:



- JULIENE MAIRE - by Claudia D'Alonzo and Marco Mancuso
- MASSIMO BANZI - by Marco Mancuso
- BRUCE MC CLURE - by Bertram Niessen and Marco Mancuso
- GEOFF COX - by Clemente Pestelli
- PAUL AMLEHN/ROBERT FRIPP - by Giuseppe Cordaro
- SILVIA BOTTIROLI/ZAPRUDER - by Silvia Scaravaggi


- ISEA 2008 by Annette Wolfsberger
- EVA LONDON - by Donata Marletta
- SANTARCANGELO - by Annamaria Monteverdi
- MAQUINAS Y ALMAS - by Barbara Sansone
- CRACK! - by Annamaria Monteverdi
- PANORAMI PARALLELI - by Massimo Schiavoni


- SOUNDMUSEUM.FM - by Marco Mancuso
- NETSUKUKU - by Davide Anni
- MAURIZIO BOLOGNINI - by Lucrezia Cippitelli


- THE ARTIST AS ARTWORK - PARTE 2 - by Domenico Quaranta


- Marco Mancuso - Barcelona Parc Guell - Gaudì's house


- Virginia Cavalletti, Francesca Magnaghi, Ornella Pesenti, Chiara Resmini


DIGICULT is a cultural project involved in digital culture and electronic 
arts. The DIGICULT project is directed by Marco Mancuso and based on the
active participation of 40 professional people about, who represent a wide 
Italian network of journalists, curators, artists and critics working in the 
field of electronic culture and digital art. And on a multitude of updated 
strategies around new media communication, web 2.0 and networking 
activities. Translated in english, DIGICULT is today a web portal updated 
daily with news and, but it's also the editor of the monthly magazine 
DIGIMAG, discussing with a critic and journalistic approach, about net art, 
hacktivism, video art, electronica, audio video, interaction design, 
artificial intelligence, new media, software art, performing art.
DIGICULT produce the electronic music and audiovisual podcast DIGIPOD and 
the newsletter international service DIGINEWS. DIGICULT in finally involved
in side activities like media partnership and special journalistic/critic 
reports for festivals and exhibitions, consultancy and curatorial activities 
and is now working for Italian artists international promotion with its new 
born art agency DIGIMADE, presenting their works to main international 
festivals, cultural events, platforms and centers working with digital and 




- Marco Mancuso - director

- Luca Restifo - technical consulting

- Silvia Scaravaggi - editing

- Claudia D'Alonzo - press office

- Riccardo Vescovo and Gianluca Ferrari - graphic design

- Giuseppe Cordaro - podcast

- Giulia Simi - cultural ass. and fundraising


Luigi Pagliarini, Tatiana Bazzichelli, Bertram Niessen, Teresa De Feo, Luigi 
Ghezzi, Giulia Baldi, Domenico Quaranta, Lorenzo Tripodi, Massimo Schiavoni,
Monica Ponzini, Domenico Sciajno, Valentina Tanni, Annamaria Monteverdi, 
Motor, Isabella Depanis, Tiziana Gemin, Fabio Franchino, Lucrezia 
Cippitelli, Silvia Bianchi, Francesca Valsecchi, Claudia D'Alonzo, Barbara 
Sansone, Sara Tirelli, Laura Colini, Alessandro Massobrio, Eleonora Oreggia, 
Giulia Simi, Silvia Scaravaggi, Maresa Lippolis, Francesco d'Orazio, Alessio 
Galbiati, Claudia Moriniello, Giuseppe Cordaro, Antonio Caronia, Clemente 
Pestelli, Davide Anni, Donata Marletta, Valeria Merlini


- Virginia Cavalletti, Francesca Magnaghi, Ornella Pesenti, Chiara Resmini

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