[NetBehaviour] my breath

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Thu Sep 25 18:23:15 CEST 2008

my breath

my breath do call to me for now says Julu Twine, I'm not what I used to be
oh no I'm not what I used to be

to be used airless, says Nikuko Dojoji


to be used airless, says Nikuko Dojoji

in a vacuum, all this energy! says Julu Twine

(and I'm reminded of the book on medical experiments, one of the Nuremberg
War Tribunal series, descriptions of human beings in air-tight containers,
the air slowly withdrawn

(and I'm reminded of the energy of the vacuum and its relation to the
inflationary universe and big bang

(yes I am, yes I am


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