[NetBehaviour] this code is not my own

benjamin benjamin at cultura3.net
Sun Sep 28 12:59:31 CEST 2008

>>     this work is not my own. it is not my own because i have not  
>> created
>> it.
>> i did not create the connection between these keys and the virtual
>> memory with which they interact; nor did i create the manner in which
>> these words will be understood.
> Nor did you create the category of art or the genre of net.art. But  
> that
> does not mean that your work would exist if you did not make it.

our work is work though our work is not our own; it lives in temporal  
memory, in the senses and in the contemplation of those who come  
across it.

>> a painter who paints did not create the paint with which they  
>> work; if
>> so, they did not create the paint's pigment; if so, they did not  
>> create
>> the canvas; if so they did not cut the wood from which the canvas  
>> frame
>> has been made; if the wood had not been cut straight, then the  
>> picture
>> would not be a rectangle.
>> the picture is not a rectangle anyway.
> And yet, they paint.

they paint and paint and how disgusting their works are!

> This can be contrasted with the postindustrial/outsourcing/offshoring
> approach of Kostabi, Koons and Hirst.
> (Or with a traditional artist's studio where an assistant would paint
> the clothes or the hands.)

how the industrial revolution has put an end to our beautiful notions  
of gothisism.

>> through my work with coding i have come to see that no ones work is
>> their own, we can simply make manifest with the materials we have
>> learned to control.
> There comes a point at which that which one is controlling, is the  
> people who
> are tangibly controlling the materials. At that point one's materials
> are human beings, and the art is management not code.

our management is not our own; it lies within interactions between  
nodal points, charged towards putting the purpose upon their routes.

> At that point the potential of code to resist its exploitation by
> manageralism collapses and the artist simply reflects the ego of
> corporate information culture.

our purposes are not our own; they are programmed into us and we,  
running along wires and lucid configurations of plastic, reformable  
space, imagine how the architecture surrounding us must have been  
necessary for some reason or another.

> Harold Cohen's talk at the Tate a few years back (available to stream
> here;
> http://www.tate.org.uk/onlineevents/webcasts/harold_cohen/ 
> default.jsp )
> mentions the idea of code as craft.

our craft is not our own; we exist to configure, shape and forge  
materials for the reasons we may come to comprehend.

> - Rob.

thanks rob!

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Benjamin R Bailey de Paor
Arts industries professional

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