[NetBehaviour] this code is not my own

Rob Myers rob at robmyers.org
Sun Sep 28 16:03:00 CEST 2008

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benjamin wrote:

> how the industrial revolution has put an end to our beautiful notions of
> gothisism.

JODI's 404 was informational picturesque desolation, and so is much of
the nomination-for-semiopsy of "surf clubs" or "pro surfers", so I think
there's life in the old genre yet.

> our management is not our own; it lies within interactions between nodal
> points, charged towards putting the purpose upon their routes.

Management aspires to creating a conscious productive order out of an
unconscious unproductive disorder. In practice, it is rarely anything
other than taking credit for not getting in the way too much. ;-)

> our purposes are not our own; they are programmed into us and we,
> running along wires and lucid configurations of plastic, reformable
> space, imagine how the architecture surrounding us must have been
> necessary for some reason or another.

You don't need history under historicism...

> our craft is not our own; we exist to configure, shape and forge
> materials for the reasons we may come to comprehend.

We are unlikely to realise our own subconscious through the labour of
others. If we do we are probably a King rather than an artist. Now that
*is* pre-industrial. ;-)

- - Rob.
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