[NetBehaviour] On the hurricane of the G-20...

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Tue Apr 7 17:39:21 CEST 2009

Hi Olga,

An essential post. I also find it interesting that it was not discussed 
here - from my own position, I'd rather let others start the ball 
rolling rather than me, myself forcing the issue onto everyone else.

I found the whole thing typical and disgusting. I am willing to discuss 
it if others are also. Having said this, I would not wish to presume 
that no one has been involved in these activities or exploring their own 
forms of activism, whether it be with others on the street, on the net 
or anywhere else.

> I met a friend last Tuesday that told me that Liverpool Street seemed
> to be preparing for a hurricane, that the buildings had their windows
> shot and protected with wooden panels. And yes, the media was also
> preparing us for a hurricane, so much that the hurricane almost didn't
> come.
> I went down to Bank on Wednesday and played the game of trying to
> break the police barrier. It all felt so symbolic and useless.
> I am particularly interested in the manufacture of fear as a mode of
> control. The UK authorities master the technique and they used it once
> again this time. They spread the hype of a really dangerous wave of
> protests, they deployed an army of policemen and in the finally, to
> me, it all felt so little...
> I just read this post at K-punk
> http://k-punk.abstractdynamics.org/archives/2009_04.html, and thought
> it was weird that we haven't discussed anything here in
> Netbehaviour... Not only the hurricane almost doesn't come, but it
> leaves almost no traces.. In the post M. Fisher argues that is time to
> move on, that these protests lead nowhere. I agree. However, even if
> there is no response from the governments, there is something about
> camping on the streets that I still find worth it. It's a day of
> deviation, of using the street in a completely different way... and
> even if it's just for the feeling that this gives you I think it is
> still something.
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