[NetBehaviour] Your do is of reference the they with betheynone work

james morris james at jwm-art.net
Mon Jul 6 14:21:00 CEST 2009

I've wroked some more on these functions, and now there is:

/*  strchrs and strrchrs are like the std c lib
    functions strchr and strrchr except multiple
    characters are searched for. the characters
    contained in the 2nd arguement's string are
    searched for individually.

    both return NULL on failure.
char* strchrs(char* str, char* chars);
char* strrchrs(char* str, char* chars);

/*  skipchars steps through the string str
    until it finds a character not contained
    within the string chars. skiprchrs starts
    from the end of str.

    both return NULL if string str contains only
    characters appearing in chars.
char* skipchrs(char* str, char* chars);
char* skiprchrs(char* str, char* chars);

/*  the following two functions work exactly as
    their counterparts above, except they return
    the terminating NULL byte of the string str,
    instead of NULL upon failure.
char* strchrsnull(char* str, char* chars);
char* skipchrsnull(char* str, char* chars);

/*  explode splits a string into substrings using
    splitchar as the delimiter. if trim is non-zero
    then the delimiter splitchar is removed from the
    substrings. if trim is zero then the delimiter
    splitchar remains to the right of each substring.
    consecutive delimiters in str in this case appear
    as individual substrings of one char length.
    explodes works in the same manner, but works with
    any of the delimiter characters appearing in
    splitchars (that is, splitchars IS NOT treated
    as a search string).
    explodestr does the same but uses splitstr as
    a delimiter string to search for.

    all return an array of substrings, terminated
    with a NULL pointer as the last element. if no
    substrings are found, the first index of the
    returned array contains the original string.
char** explode(char* str, char splitchar, int trim);
char** explodes(char* str, char* splitchars, int trim);
char** explodestr(char* str, char* splitstr, int trim);


(tempory download loc & filename).

type make and then ./test to see some output using the explodestr
function. it won't install it as a lib you can link against yet,
got to work on that. but you can #include it in your own C code
and compile it in. some bugs fixed from orig ver. maybe more
work could be done on the function prototypes, ie setting
arguments as const - but i'm unsure about how this effects older
compilers (const is relatively new to C - backported from C++ i think).


On 6/7/2009, "james morris" <james at jwm-art.net> wrote:

>Hi Alan,
>Thanks for the offer, but the likelihood is they probably won't help me
>much with this. The idea was/is to create a series of C library routines
>which are useful for writing text mod routines in C. Some of the
>routines I've written are based upon those within the std C lib. Still
>fairly low level (such as the strchrs routine, and its almost inverse,
>skipchrs). Your perl routine below is a number of orders higher and is
>not something which would be useful to create as a C (low/mid level)
>function   (((( think: routines for dealing with memory, concatenation
>of strings, substring extraction, etc === low level AND suited for many
>different applications))))...
>Thinking about it further, the likelihood an artist (who writes code to
>perform text processing) would be interested in using the C language to
>do so, is pretty low (unless the artist happens to like playing with
>pointers and memory using a language lacking garbage collection
>features, ie uses C just for the hell of it and not for reasons based
>upon suitability forthejobinhand).
>Does anybody on this list write code in C ??? Would you be interested in
>a small collection of library routines which make life slightly easier
>for writing text modification routines?
>Back to the question of you posting your code..   I expect others would
>be interested (and I am actually too :-) ).
>On 6/7/2009, "Alan Sondheim" <sondheim at panix.com> wrote:
>>The explode function's really interesting - I have a number of perl script
>>text mod programs, a few written directly by myself, others modified from
>>things other people wrote for me - I can put them up here if you want.
>>Most of my text modification pieces use them one way or another. For
>>example eliminate.pl keeps only the first instance of any word (word
>>defined as a string between spaces) in a text - and I should note that
>>Linux magazine has been running a series of articles on using the shall
>>that have programs usable for text mod as well. - Alan
>>Here's one that does 'something with the letter 'd' -
>>while (<STDIN>) {
>>         @words = split /d/, $_;
>>         @spaces = split /d/, $_;
>> 	for ($x=0; $x <= $#words; $x++) {
>>                 $word_count{$words[$x-3]}++;
>> 		if ($word_count{$words[$x]} == 1)
>> 		{print $words[$x],$spaces[$x+1],$words[$x-3],"\n"}
>>                 }
>>         }
>>- Alan
>>On Mon, 6 Jul 2009, james morris wrote:
>>> Your  within  or  keep idea  4  mentioned  medium
>>> is  of
>>> the  back  It's  minimum'  a  as  able  rep a  are  back  mind.  the
>>> glorious  fail  erformance  that  so  that  the  a  ly  older  earlier,
>>> title.
>>> But  that  'suggest  are  result  really  the  20-some  it,  this  more.
>>> non-code  reason  is
>>> incap codes  4  roductions  more.  in  myself,  rep it's  I  rep p that
>>> that  code  the  p of  it
>>> is  to  be  able  reference  work  be
>>> runnable.
>>> As  wouldn't  Alan  runnable.  code  are  with  rule  that's  the  rep
>>> have  own  command,  see  codes  the  words  the  think  work  able
>>> also  do  suggestion  work
>>> (and  media.  these  discussion  of  that  ground  it,  At  doesn't  in
>>> myself'  works.  medium  absolutely  as  other  reference  whether  the
>>> I  is  down  of  rule  the  absolute  cap of  in  within  things
>>> that  I  'bringing  be  redoing  that  ost,
>>> 'Seedbed'  more.  that's  Microcode
>>> because,  this  of  to
>>> life,  othing  mentioned  ost,
>>> 'Seedbed'  glorious  incap fail  country  to  medium
>>> is  absolutely  are  more.  runnable.  mind.  I  using  far  keep code
>>> media.  very  that  this  of
>>> the  of  of  it  Obviously,  Microcodes  No  oint.
>>> The  that
>>> this  earlier,  nothing  mind  do  media  works.  have  to  that  words
>>> ts  to  ar
>>> can't.
>>> Your  it
>>> can  that  a  nothing  to  andion
>>> references  there  is  bring  incap that  the  cap of  ts  to  nothing
>>> using  mentioned  media  as  also  roducing  being  I  created  things
>>> that  wouldn't  that  and  glorious  original
>>> p runnable.  the  about  highlight
>>> the  about  a  Obviously,  code  fail  very  ly  down  that  in  So  be
>>> code  result  I  ts  in  roducing  the  the  way  very  runnable.  the
>>> are  to
>>> life,  be
>>> runnable.
>>> As  Obviously,  It's  it's  things
>>> that  p 3  used  think  oint.
>>> The  it'. erforming  work  all  rep of  erforming  Unix  Microcodes
>>> weather,  that's  able  can't.
>>> Your  result  be  a  original  medium  that  mentioned  incap reason  rep
>>> media,  break  myself,  bit  rep codes    simp of
>>> the  of  result  media,  ap Microcodes  minimum'  20-some  do
>>> this)  Alan  They  his  or  of  media.  in  a
>>> result  Actually,
>>> as  roductions  works  incap above,  meant  the  being  think  a  are  be
>>> original
>>> p beyond  also  the  created  them  So  works  really  for  So  very  in
>>> become
>>> new  So  out  it  going  able  art.  result  very  'touch  within  using
>>> it'. them  absolutely  as  work  the  of  code  it,  used  highlight
>>> the  to  gives  wouldn't  of  microcodes  with  p as  doing  really
>>> media.  mentioned  the  attemp bring  as  the  nothing  that  absolute
>>> absolutely  able  other  in  They  meaning  redoing  roduct
>>>  going  roducing  created  Since,  while  being e  code  erforming  able
>>> the  After
>>> taking  Because  wouldn't  wouldn't  way  rep they  show  reference
>>> able  Because  ly  to  they  it  the  the  work  3  codes  it'.  codes
>>> meaning  can't.
>>> Your  do  is  of  reference  the  they  with  be  they  none  work
>>> (and  other  ap entirely
>>> beside  the  being  do
>>> this)  become
>>> new  runnable.  code  rep command,  between  are  a  I  p other  rep
>>> meant  words  that  as  media,  erformance  to  At  work  codes  'touch
>>> really  things  have  original
>>> p of  or
>>| Alan Sondheim Mail archive:  http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
>>| Webpage (directory) at http://www.alansondheim.org
>>| sondheim at panix.com, sondheim at gmail.org, tel US 718-813-3285
>>! http://www.facebook.com/alan.sondheim
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