[NetBehaviour] Key Tweeter

Pall Thayer pallthay at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 15:30:22 CEST 2009

That's really nice.

On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 1:21 PM, Olga<olga.panades at gmail.com> wrote:
> I just read about Key Tweeter in Networked_performance.. (some info
> below) It's funny because lately I started to think the debate around
> privacy is becoming something absolutely irrelevant.. Or at least,
> outdated.. Our privacy standards have been completely shattered by web
> 2.0 dynamics.. I'm of those that hasn't got a Facebook account because
> of some sort of naif ideal of resistance.. it's got such a potential
> for control.. Now I just feel like trashing all that discourse and
> looking for new strategies..
> This reminds me of a piece I wrote for Resonance FM..
> "In an era of feverish communication, where staying in touch means to
> be traceable, where the device of communication itself is a tracking
> device and the networks over which the signal travels are under
> corporate surveillance, I find merely oppositional resistance an
> inefficient solution. To not be tracked I shall not give signal.
> I am for resistance but I am not against this jungle. I am for
> discovering its layers and the possibilities for recombination. I am
> not an external. You might find that an integrated position. I will
> give signal, and work under surveillance; but always in search for
> back alleys, and grey zones, for failures in the system. Are
> possibilities shrinking irreversibly or as they close up other
> dimensions open elsewhere?"
> (if u want to read more: http://virtualfirefly.wordpress.com/virtual-fireflies/)
> >From Turbulence:
> "KeyTweeter is a performance of data nudism based on a Twitter account
> interfaced with a keylogger. Keyloggers are applications generally
> used by identity thieves to record everything that is typed on a
> keyboard in order to gather sensitive information and passwords. In
> this case the software is tweaked to broadcast everything except the
> passwords. Kyle McDonald’s Twitter profile is a wild stream of
> consciousness that reflects the frenetic multitasking activity of the
> author: you can spot fragments of code belonging to projects he’s
> currently working on (exposing himself to plagiarism?), personal
> communications (publishing information about friends that are not
> meant to be known?) and even errors and corrections, paradoxically
> putting the twitter-voyeur in a position of broader awareness than the
> recipient of the email or instant message. Possibly imagining a world
> of absolute transparency, the artist makes the source code available
> with instructions on how to set up your own KeyTweeter."
> --
> Olga
> http://www.ungravitational.net
> http://virtualfirefly.wordpress.com
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Pall Thayer

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