[NetBehaviour] A fabric with vision

brian gibson baiowulf at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 20:01:47 CEST 2009

Researchers create flexible lensless camera from web of light-detecting

Elizabeth A. Thomson, News Office
July 8, 2009

Imagine a soldier's uniform made of a special fabric that allows him to look
in all directions and identify threats that are to his side or even behind
him. In work that could turn such science fiction into reality, MIT
researchers have developed light-detecting fibers that, when weaved into a
web, act as a flexible camera. Fabric composed of these fibers could be
joined to a computer that could provide information on a small display
screen attached to a visor, providing the soldier greater awareness of his

...more <http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2009/flexible-0708.html>
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