[NetBehaviour] string theory
dave miller
dave.miller.uk at gmail.com
Sat Jul 11 09:19:23 CEST 2009
that would be perfect!
2009/7/11 Alan Sondheim <sondheim at panix.com>:
> Hi - I hate to sound moronic, but when you've finished this, could you
> post it with easy instructions, so we could all use it? The one program I
> liked, that Jim Reith did, was the one with the mathematics function built
> in (as I mentioned, you can rewrite the function to do any number of
> things) - the result was always surprising. I thought of it in the same
> way you might have written a mathematical filter in gimp for visual
> images, something like that. But gimp paves the way; it was harder in
> text.
> Thanks greatly! - Alan
> On Fri, 10 Jul 2009, www-data wrote:
>> netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org>
>> Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 18:17:19 +0000
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>> In-Reply-To: <Pine.NEB.4.64.0907101303480.29282 at panix3.panix.com>
>> From: "james morris" <james at jwm-art.net>
>> Bounce-To: "james morris" <james at jwm-art.net>
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>> --RWP_PART_james at jwm-art.net1247249839
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>> Sometimes I like the subject line to be slightly misleading and perhaps
>> make the content sound more cleverer than it is. plus one section of it
>> loosely brought to mind atoms and stuff.
>> BTW, the liberroneous is coming along nicely and i've kludged together
>> some autotools stuff and now liberroneous is built and installed as a
>> genuine library that can be linked against ( gcc myprog.c -lerroneous -o
>> myprog ). recent investigations have revealed there were already in
>> existence in the standard C library functions performing the function of
>> some of the functions i've created in liberroneous. nevermind, mine are
>> more sensibly named. anyway, the motion thing - this is a library which
>> does stuff to ascii text and so how it's used is down to the developer
>> using it - motion was certainly something i realised during creation the
>> output i posted as 'string theory'. the section quoting Pall's
>> message regarding art/language unfortunately got mangled by the webmail
>> system when it sent. find proper version attached. i thought the motion
>> thing here: the stripes could move horizontally. anything. code is not
>> ready yet for release. investigations into things like:
>> char* getpointerwithinastringsomehow(const char* str)
>> where the return value is of type 'char*' and is a pointer within the
>> string 'str' which is of type 'const char*' so warnings about
>> conversion upon returning the ptr are emitted and look untidy and non
>> professional so am gonna download and try getting my head round the
>> standard C lib and looking into the implementations of the string
>> functions (those in string.h) to see how they do it - if it's at all
>> readable and not drowned in conditional compiles and macros and other
>> weird stuff i know nothing about.
>> yes theres aalib - an ascii art library, but liberroneous i trying to
>> gear more toward being a library for text manipulation much like some of
>> the scripts you use do.
>> james
>> On 10/7/2009, "Alan Sondheim" <sondheim at panix.com> wrote:
>>> Why string theory and not string transformations? Just curious.
>>> One thing comes to mind - if you page fast down, you get motion - there
>>> are people who have made ascii films that way - and I think even Guy
>>> Debord's situationist film was treated that way - Alan
>>> On Fri, 10 Jul 2009, james morris wrote:
>>>> ...desrever neeb sah gnirts sihT
>>>> We coul\ \d, for \ \instanc\ \e say t\ \hat Imp\
>>>> \ression\ \ism emp\ \loys a \ \visual \
>>>> \languag\
>>>> \e based\ \ not on\ \ a flow\ \ing gra\ \dation
>>>> \
>>>> \of colo\ \r but a\ \ more s\ \egmente\ \d,
>>>> grad\
>>>> \ual bui\ \lding o\ \f color\ \. I don\ \'t
>>>> know\
>>>> \ if eve\ \ryone w\ \ould ag\ \ree tha\ \t
>>>> this \
>>>> \is corr\ \ect but\ \ that's\ \ beside\ \
>>>> the po
>>>> \ \int. Th\ \e thing\ \ is tha\ \t a lot\ \
>>>> of pe
>>>> o\ \ple wer\ \e so ha\ \ppy wit\ \h the n\
>>>> \eo-cl
>>>> as\ \sical "\ \flow" o\ \f color\ \s (impe\
>>>> \ccab
>>>> ly \ \blended\ \ gradie\ \nts, et\ \c.) tha\
>>>> \t t
>>>> hey \ \couldn'\ \t under\ \stand w\ \hy some\
>>>> \on
>>>> e wou\ \ld want\ \ to bre\ \ak that\ \ up int\
>>>> \o
>>>> somet\ \hing sp\ \lotchy \ \and pat\ \chy. To\
>>>> \
>>>> the cr\ \itics i\ \t just \ \didn't \ \make se\
>>>> \nse to \ \attempt\ \ a text\ \ural re\
>>>> \present\
>>>> \ation o\ \f somet\ \hing ba\ \sed on \ \a
>>>> textu\
>>>> \re that\ \ just w\ \asn't t\ \here. T\ \his
>>>> was\
>>>> \ a visu\ \al lang\ \uage us\ \ed by t\ \he
>>>> impr\
>>>> \essioni\ \sts. Th\ \en we g\ \et the \
>>>> \same so\
>>>> \rt of t\ \hing wi\ \th Duch\ \amp whe\ \re
>>>> no o
>>>> \ \ne unde\ \rstands\ \ the co\ \nceptua\
>>>> \l lang
>>>> u\ \age of \ \his sug\ \gestion\ \ that a\
>>>> \n ups
>>>> id\ \e down \ \urinal \ \can be \ \a work \
>>>> \of a
>>>> rt \ \worthy \ \of a sp\ \ot in a\ \ museum\
>>>> \ si
>>>> mply\ \ becaus\ \e the a\ \rtist h\ \as sign\
>>>> \ed
>>>> it. \ \Kandins\ \ky didn\ \'t even\ \ expect\
>>>> \
>>>> people\ \ to und\ \erstand\ \ his vi\ \sual la\
>>>> \
>>>> nguage \ \so he w\ \rote "d\ \ictiona\ \ries"
>>>> o\
>>>> \f sorts\ \ to exp\ \lain it\ \. I say\ \ that
>>>> a\
>>>> \rt is a\ \lways e\ \litist \ \because\ \ the
>>>> ac\
>>>> \t of cr\ \eating \ \somethi\ \ng as a\ \rt
>>>> sugg\
>>>> \ests th\ \at it t\ \he arti\ \st's "v\
>>>> \ersion"\
>>>> \ has so\ \me tran\ \scenden\ \tal qua\
>>>> \lity to\
>>>> \ it. Ev\ \en in t\ \he case\ \ of Tho\
>>>> \mas Kin
>>>> \ \caid. T\ \he fact\ \ that h\ \e creat\
>>>> \es pai
>>>> n\ \ting su\ \ggests \ \that he\ \, at le\
>>>> \ast,
>>>> fe\ \els tha\ \t the r\ \esult o\ \f his b\
>>>> \rush
>>>> wor\ \k someh\ \ow tran\ \scends \ \the act\
>>>> \ual
>>>> obj\ \ects he\ \'s pain\ \ting. I\ \n the b\
>>>> \ro
>>>> adest\ \ sense \ \of the \ \word, t\ \hat has\
>>>> \
>>>> to cou\ \nt as a\ \ type o\ \f eliti\ \sm.
>>>> ##########(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)##
>>>> ##(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)
>>>> ###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)########
>>>> #######(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(
>>>> 2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1
>>>> )(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)####
>>>> ###########(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)############
>>>> ###(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)##
>>>> ##(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)
>>>> ###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)########
>>>> #######(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(
>>>> 2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1
>>>> )(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)####
>>>> ###########(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)############
>>>> ###(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)##
>>>> ##(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)
>>>> ###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)########
>>>> #######(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(
>>>> 2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1
>>>> )(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####
>>>> this string will be repeated once:this string will be repeated once:
>>>> th#s #trin# #as#b##n r#n#omly #ar### #ith # h##h ##arac###.
>>>> t#i# str#n# #a##b#en rand##l# #ark#d w#th a##a#h cha###te##
>>>> th#s#string#h#s #e###randomly#m#rked #it# # hash ch##acter.
>>>> th## stri## #as#b#en##and#mly#marked wi#h a##### cha###t#r#
>>>> thi# st#in# has #een#rando##y #ar#ed with # ha#h#c#####t#r.
>>>> Thi*s string* ha*s be*en r*and*omly* sp*lit int*o s*ubstr*ing*s
>>>> betwe*en 3 *and 8* cha*racte*rs long* and *glued *back to*gether
>>>> * (then h*ard w*rapped t*o 64 *chars w*idth)..*.
>>>> This str*ing* has be*en rando*mly spl*it into* substr*ings b*etw
>>>> een 3* and 8 *char*acters* long an*d gl*ued* back to*gethe*r (th
>>>> en *hard* wr*apped to* 64 cha*rs wid*th)...
>>>> This s*tring *has* been *rand*omly spl*it into *substrin*gs bet*
>>>> ween 3 *and 8* ch*ara*cte*rs lon*g and *glued *back to*geth*er (
>>>> t*hen* har*d wr*app*ed *to 6*4 c*har*s width)*...
>>>> 'this string will be rotated left by one character each time...'
>>>> 'his string will be rotated left by one character each time...t'
>>>> 'is string will be rotated left by one character each time...th'
>>>> 's string will be rotated left by one character each time...thi'
>>>> ' string will be rotated left by one character each time...this'
>>>> 'string will be rotated left by one character each time...this '
>>>> 'tring will be rotated left by one character each time...this s'
>>>> 'ring will be rotated left by one character each time...this st'
>>>> 'ing will be rotated left by one character each time...this str'
>>>> 'ng will be rotated left by one character each time...this stri'
>>>> 'g will be rotated left by one character each time...this strin'
>>>> ' will be rotated left by one character each time...this string'
>>>> 'will be rotated left by one character each time...this string '
>>>> 'ill be rotated left by one character each time...this string w'
>>>> 'll be rotated left by one character each time...this string wi'
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>>>> NetBehaviour mailing list
>>>> NetBehaviour at netbehaviour.org
>>>> http://www.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour
>>> | Alan Sondheim Mail archive: http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
>>> | Webpage (directory) at http://www.alansondheim.org
>>> | sondheim at panix.com, sondheim at gmail.org, tel US 718-813-3285
>>> ! http://www.facebook.com/alan.sondheim
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>>> NetBehaviour mailing list
>>> NetBehaviour at netbehaviour.org
>>> http://www.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour
>> --RWP_PART_james at jwm-art.net1247249839
>> Content-Type: text/plain; name="string_theory.txt"
>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
>> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="string_theory.txt"
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>> CgonaXMgdGhlIGdyZWF0IWphbWVzIG1vcnInCgo=
>> --RWP_PART_james at jwm-art.net1247249839--
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> | Alan Sondheim Mail archive: http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
> | Webpage (directory) at http://www.alansondheim.org
> | sondheim at panix.com, sondheim at gmail.org, tel US 718-813-3285
> ! http://www.facebook.com/alan.sondheim
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> NetBehaviour mailing list
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