[NetBehaviour] string theory
james morris
james at jwm-art.net
Sat Jul 11 12:38:58 CEST 2009
Hi Alan,
I assume you're talking about this code (which I reformatted):
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 &parse_file_into_words("zz", 6000, " \$i*.5 - 4 * sin(\$i * 2)");
5 sub parse_file_into_words
7 {
8 print "\n"; #blank line
9 my ($extract_filename, $iterations, $formula) = @_;
10 open(IN, "< $extract_filename")
11 or die("can't open $extract_filename: $!");
12 my $line, $i, $index;
13 my $full_file = "";
14 while ($line = <IN>)
15 {
16 chomp($line);
17 $full_file = join " ", $full_file, $line;
18 }
19 close(IN);
20 my @words = split(/\s+/, $full_file);
21 for ($i=1; $i<=$iterations; $i++)
22 {
23 $index = word_index($i, $formula)-1;
24 print "$words[$index] ";
25 }
26 print "\n"; #blank line
27 }
29 sub word_index
30 {
31 my $ret_val;
32 my ($i, $formula) = @_;
33 $ret_val = eval($formula);
34 return int $ret_val;
35 }
except for one tiny little line in that code, it would be very easy and
in fact the bulk of that code is simply reading the text file to
transform and creating an array of words, and outputting them in a
different order.
unfortunately, line 33 is misleadingly simple looking - there is no C
equivalent to perls builtin eval function. the likelihood of a C library
existing for parsing a formula is good, though i don't know what it
might be called!
<???>then such a construction (a function to apply a mathematical formula
to a text) i am unsure/unlikely to place into the library because the
idea of a library is to provide building blocks and such a function IMO
is not really a building block function (??). parsing a formula out of a
string of text and then producing runtime code to evaluate the formula
is far from a trivial task and again out of the scope of this library
and my programming skills (hence why i'd look for a library to do
breaking the parse_file_into_words function down:
(excluding word_index function)
1) read file and place all lines into one long string of text.
2) split the string into array of words.
3) loop and displaying one words chosen by word_index function.
how these might be implemented:
1) i likely may provide an easy function to do this - it involves
using C standard libraries - stdio.h for file IO stdlib.h for memory
allocation - string.h for copying the strings to one long string.
a good candidate for a liberroneous function.
2) is covered by my already implimented explode functions within
liberroneous (except no use of regular expressions).
3) display of strings is definitely not something liberroneous
will be providing any functions for at all, period.
the word_index function:
1) evaluate formula
2) return integer value
how these might be implemented:
1) an external library to parse/evaluate formula from text string.
2) C code: return n; /* where n is integer value */
incidently, the word_index does not return a valid index to the array,
it just returns an integer number based on $i in $formula. $i is an
arbitrary value provided by the caller of parse_file_into_words via
a fix would not modify word_index (although a name change of this
function would be appropriate, or scrapping it altogether and inlining
its code into where it is called on line 23)... sorry, a fix for line 23:
$index = word_index($i,$formula) % $array_size;
(note: % is modulus in C, I don't know if % provides the modulus
function in perl also).
$array_size would be calculated before the output loop - would involve
counting the entries in the array $words - probably perl has builtin
func to do this.
i could post some limited instructions yes, there's also documentation
for each function in the liberroneous include file (erroneous.h), and
some examples will be included in the distribution...
but i've got to release the bugger yet!
On 11/7/2009, "Alan Sondheim" <sondheim at panix.com> wrote:
>Hi - I hate to sound moronic, but when you've finished this, could you
>post it with easy instructions, so we could all use it? The one program I
>liked, that Jim Reith did, was the one with the mathematics function built
>in (as I mentioned, you can rewrite the function to do any number of
>things) - the result was always surprising. I thought of it in the same
>way you might have written a mathematical filter in gimp for visual
>images, something like that. But gimp paves the way; it was harder in
>Thanks greatly! - Alan
>On Fri, 10 Jul 2009, www-data wrote:
>> netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org>
>> Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 18:17:19 +0000
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>> In-Reply-To: <Pine.NEB.4.64.0907101303480.29282 at panix3.panix.com>
>> From: "james morris" <james at jwm-art.net>
>> Bounce-To: "james morris" <james at jwm-art.net>
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>> Sometimes I like the subject line to be slightly misleading and perhaps
>> make the content sound more cleverer than it is. plus one section of it
>> loosely brought to mind atoms and stuff.
>> BTW, the liberroneous is coming along nicely and i've kludged together
>> some autotools stuff and now liberroneous is built and installed as a
>> genuine library that can be linked against ( gcc myprog.c -lerroneous -o
>> myprog ). recent investigations have revealed there were already in
>> existence in the standard C library functions performing the function of
>> some of the functions i've created in liberroneous. nevermind, mine are
>> more sensibly named. anyway, the motion thing - this is a library which
>> does stuff to ascii text and so how it's used is down to the developer
>> using it - motion was certainly something i realised during creation the
>> output i posted as 'string theory'. the section quoting Pall's
>> message regarding art/language unfortunately got mangled by the webmail
>> system when it sent. find proper version attached. i thought the motion
>> thing here: the stripes could move horizontally. anything. code is not
>> ready yet for release. investigations into things like:
>> char* getpointerwithinastringsomehow(const char* str)
>> where the return value is of type 'char*' and is a pointer within the
>> string 'str' which is of type 'const char*' so warnings about
>> conversion upon returning the ptr are emitted and look untidy and non
>> professional so am gonna download and try getting my head round the
>> standard C lib and looking into the implementations of the string
>> functions (those in string.h) to see how they do it - if it's at all
>> readable and not drowned in conditional compiles and macros and other
>> weird stuff i know nothing about.
>> yes theres aalib - an ascii art library, but liberroneous i trying to
>> gear more toward being a library for text manipulation much like some of
>> the scripts you use do.
>> james
>> On 10/7/2009, "Alan Sondheim" <sondheim at panix.com> wrote:
>>> Why string theory and not string transformations? Just curious.
>>> One thing comes to mind - if you page fast down, you get motion - there
>>> are people who have made ascii films that way - and I think even Guy
>>> Debord's situationist film was treated that way - Alan
>>> On Fri, 10 Jul 2009, james morris wrote:
>>>> ...desrever neeb sah gnirts sihT
>>>> We coul\ \d, for \ \instanc\ \e say t\ \hat Imp\
>>>> \ression\ \ism emp\ \loys a \ \visual \
>>>> \languag\
>>>> \e based\ \ not on\ \ a flow\ \ing gra\ \dation
>>>> \
>>>> \of colo\ \r but a\ \ more s\ \egmente\ \d,
>>>> grad\
>>>> \ual bui\ \lding o\ \f color\ \. I don\ \'t
>>>> know\
>>>> \ if eve\ \ryone w\ \ould ag\ \ree tha\ \t
>>>> this \
>>>> \is corr\ \ect but\ \ that's\ \ beside\ \
>>>> the po
>>>> \ \int. Th\ \e thing\ \ is tha\ \t a lot\ \
>>>> of pe
>>>> o\ \ple wer\ \e so ha\ \ppy wit\ \h the n\
>>>> \eo-cl
>>>> as\ \sical "\ \flow" o\ \f color\ \s (impe\
>>>> \ccab
>>>> ly \ \blended\ \ gradie\ \nts, et\ \c.) tha\
>>>> \t t
>>>> hey \ \couldn'\ \t under\ \stand w\ \hy some\
>>>> \on
>>>> e wou\ \ld want\ \ to bre\ \ak that\ \ up int\
>>>> \o
>>>> somet\ \hing sp\ \lotchy \ \and pat\ \chy. To\
>>>> \
>>>> the cr\ \itics i\ \t just \ \didn't \ \make se\
>>>> \nse to \ \attempt\ \ a text\ \ural re\
>>>> \present\
>>>> \ation o\ \f somet\ \hing ba\ \sed on \ \a
>>>> textu\
>>>> \re that\ \ just w\ \asn't t\ \here. T\ \his
>>>> was\
>>>> \ a visu\ \al lang\ \uage us\ \ed by t\ \he
>>>> impr\
>>>> \essioni\ \sts. Th\ \en we g\ \et the \
>>>> \same so\
>>>> \rt of t\ \hing wi\ \th Duch\ \amp whe\ \re
>>>> no o
>>>> \ \ne unde\ \rstands\ \ the co\ \nceptua\
>>>> \l lang
>>>> u\ \age of \ \his sug\ \gestion\ \ that a\
>>>> \n ups
>>>> id\ \e down \ \urinal \ \can be \ \a work \
>>>> \of a
>>>> rt \ \worthy \ \of a sp\ \ot in a\ \ museum\
>>>> \ si
>>>> mply\ \ becaus\ \e the a\ \rtist h\ \as sign\
>>>> \ed
>>>> it. \ \Kandins\ \ky didn\ \'t even\ \ expect\
>>>> \
>>>> people\ \ to und\ \erstand\ \ his vi\ \sual la\
>>>> \
>>>> nguage \ \so he w\ \rote "d\ \ictiona\ \ries"
>>>> o\
>>>> \f sorts\ \ to exp\ \lain it\ \. I say\ \ that
>>>> a\
>>>> \rt is a\ \lways e\ \litist \ \because\ \ the
>>>> ac\
>>>> \t of cr\ \eating \ \somethi\ \ng as a\ \rt
>>>> sugg\
>>>> \ests th\ \at it t\ \he arti\ \st's "v\
>>>> \ersion"\
>>>> \ has so\ \me tran\ \scenden\ \tal qua\
>>>> \lity to\
>>>> \ it. Ev\ \en in t\ \he case\ \ of Tho\
>>>> \mas Kin
>>>> \ \caid. T\ \he fact\ \ that h\ \e creat\
>>>> \es pai
>>>> n\ \ting su\ \ggests \ \that he\ \, at le\
>>>> \ast,
>>>> fe\ \els tha\ \t the r\ \esult o\ \f his b\
>>>> \rush
>>>> wor\ \k someh\ \ow tran\ \scends \ \the act\
>>>> \ual
>>>> obj\ \ects he\ \'s pain\ \ting. I\ \n the b\
>>>> \ro
>>>> adest\ \ sense \ \of the \ \word, t\ \hat has\
>>>> \
>>>> to cou\ \nt as a\ \ type o\ \f eliti\ \sm.
>>>> ##########(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)##
>>>> ##(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)
>>>> ###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)########
>>>> #######(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(
>>>> 2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1
>>>> )(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)####
>>>> ###########(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)############
>>>> ###(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)##
>>>> ##(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)
>>>> ###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)########
>>>> #######(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(
>>>> 2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1
>>>> )(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)####
>>>> ###########(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)############
>>>> ###(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)##
>>>> ##(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)
>>>> ###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)########
>>>> #######(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(
>>>> 2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####(1
>>>> )(3)###############(2)####(1)(3)###############(2)####
>>>> this string will be repeated once:this string will be repeated once:
>>>> th#s #trin# #as#b##n r#n#omly #ar### #ith # h##h ##arac###.
>>>> t#i# str#n# #a##b#en rand##l# #ark#d w#th a##a#h cha###te##
>>>> th#s#string#h#s #e###randomly#m#rked #it# # hash ch##acter.
>>>> th## stri## #as#b#en##and#mly#marked wi#h a##### cha###t#r#
>>>> thi# st#in# has #een#rando##y #ar#ed with # ha#h#c#####t#r.
>>>> Thi*s string* ha*s be*en r*and*omly* sp*lit int*o s*ubstr*ing*s
>>>> betwe*en 3 *and 8* cha*racte*rs long* and *glued *back to*gether
>>>> * (then h*ard w*rapped t*o 64 *chars w*idth)..*.
>>>> This str*ing* has be*en rando*mly spl*it into* substr*ings b*etw
>>>> een 3* and 8 *char*acters* long an*d gl*ued* back to*gethe*r (th
>>>> en *hard* wr*apped to* 64 cha*rs wid*th)...
>>>> This s*tring *has* been *rand*omly spl*it into *substrin*gs bet*
>>>> ween 3 *and 8* ch*ara*cte*rs lon*g and *glued *back to*geth*er (
>>>> t*hen* har*d wr*app*ed *to 6*4 c*har*s width)*...
>>>> 'this string will be rotated left by one character each time...'
>>>> 'his string will be rotated left by one character each time...t'
>>>> 'is string will be rotated left by one character each time...th'
>>>> 's string will be rotated left by one character each time...thi'
>>>> ' string will be rotated left by one character each time...this'
>>>> 'string will be rotated left by one character each time...this '
>>>> 'tring will be rotated left by one character each time...this s'
>>>> 'ring will be rotated left by one character each time...this st'
>>>> 'ing will be rotated left by one character each time...this str'
>>>> 'ng will be rotated left by one character each time...this stri'
>>>> 'g will be rotated left by one character each time...this strin'
>>>> ' will be rotated left by one character each time...this string'
>>>> 'will be rotated left by one character each time...this string '
>>>> 'ill be rotated left by one character each time...this string w'
>>>> 'll be rotated left by one character each time...this string wi'
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>>>> NetBehaviour at netbehaviour.org
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>>> | Alan Sondheim Mail archive: http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
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>>> | sondheim at panix.com, sondheim at gmail.org, tel US 718-813-3285
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>>> NetBehaviour at netbehaviour.org
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>> --RWP_PART_james at jwm-art.net1247249839
>> Content-Type: text/plain; name="string_theory.txt"
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>> CgonaXMgdGhlIGdyZWF0IWphbWVzIG1vcnInCgo=
>> --RWP_PART_james at jwm-art.net1247249839--
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>| Webpage (directory) at http://www.alansondheim.org
>| sondheim at panix.com, sondheim at gmail.org, tel US 718-813-3285
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