[NetBehaviour] Shaking and Shuddering: No room to sit here, try another spot.

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sun Jul 19 06:10:13 CEST 2009

Shaking and Shuddering: No room to sit here, try another spot.


No room to sit here, try another spot.
Alan Dojoji: have you ever
Alan Dojoji: have you ever shook
Alan Dojoji: shook and shuddered
Alan Dojoji: have you ever shuddered
Alan Dojoji: all night long
Alan Dojoji: you can't stop these things
Alan Dojoji: they go on and on
Alan Dojoji: all night long
Alan Dojoji: and you find
Alan Dojoji: you find
Alan Dojoji: that you're losing your mind
Alan Dojoji: that you don't know where
Alan Dojoji: and you don't know when
Alan Dojoji: you can't think at all
Alan Dojoji: you can't think about anything
Alan Dojoji: you're about to give up
Alan Dojoji: you have to give up
Alan Dojoji: it's all over
Alan Dojoji: and you know
Alan Dojoji: you know nothing
Alan Dojoji: you're not there
Alan Dojoji: you
Alan Dojoji: 're
Alan Dojoji: you're not there at all
Alan Dojoji: you're somewhere else
Alan Dojoji: you can't find yourself
Alan Dojoji: you can't look
Alan Dojoji: you don't know your name
Alan Dojoji: you know nothing
Alan Dojoji: you can't read this
Alan Dojoji: reading is a memory
Alan Dojoji: reading is a memory
Alan Dojoji: that's what you said
Alan Dojoji: before you forgot everything
Alan Dojoji: you're just there shaking
Alan Dojoji: you're shaking all the time
Alan Dojoji: you're getting fever
Alan Dojoji: you're getting fever more and more
Alan Dojoji: you move about everything
Alan Dojoji: is too hot
Alan Dojoji: everything
Alan Dojoji: is too cold
Alan Dojoji: everything is too much
Alan Dojoji: you can't divide it
Alan Dojoji: you can't divide everything
Alan Dojoji: you can't think anything
Alan Dojoji: everything and anything
Alan Dojoji: anything and everything
Alan Dojoji: you can't think it
Alan Dojoji: you can't see it
Alan Dojoji: you're shaking and shaking
Alan Dojoji: you don't know it
Alan Dojoji: you don't know time know space
Alan Dojoji: you don't know here know there
Alan Dojoji: everything
Alan Dojoji: everything and anything
Alan Dojoji: anything and everything
Alan Dojoji: caesura
Alan Dojoji: copula
Alan Dojoji: abyss
Alan Dojoji: void
Alan Dojoji: chaos
Alan Dojoji: everything &&
Alan Dojoji: nothing &&
Alan Dojoji: you don't
Alan Dojoji: you shake
Alan Dojoji: you're shaking now
Alan Dojoji: you're fever
Alan Dojoji: you're fever now
Alan Dojoji: you're that thing
Alan Dojoji: you're that thing now
Alan Dojoji: that thing now
Alan Dojoji: everything&&
Alan Dojoji: everything&& that thing now

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