[NetBehaviour] The Dawning of Internet Censorship in Germany.

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Wed Jun 17 12:34:52 CEST 2009

The Dawning of Internet Censorship in Germany.

von markus.

Germany is on the verge of censoring its Internet: The government – a
grand coalition between the German social democrats and conservative
party – seems united in its decision: On Thursday the parliament is to
vote on the erection of an internet censorship architecture.

The Minister for Family Affairs Ursula von der Leyen kicked off and lead
the discussions within the German Federal Government to block Internet
sites in order to fight child pornography. The general idea is to build
a censorship architecture enabling the government to block content
containing child pornography. The Federal Office of Criminal
Investigation (BKA) is to administer the lists of sites to be blocked
and the internet providers obliged to erect the secret censorship
architecture for the government.

A strong and still growing network opposing these ideas quickly formed
within the German internet community. The protest has not been limited
to hackers and digital activist but rather a mainstreamed effort widely
supported by bloggers and twitter-users. The HashTag used by the
protesters is #zensursula – a German mesh up of the Ministers name and
the word censorship equivalent to #censursula.


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