[NetBehaviour] Internet of Things....Research Opportunities on EPSRC funded Project]

Ruth Catlow ruth.catlow at furtherfield.org
Wed Jun 24 23:23:33 CEST 2009

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From: Chris Speed <c.speed at eca.ac.uk>

Dear all and everyone,

A series of research opportunities are available to support a large
EPSRC project exploring social memory in the emerging culture of the
Internet of Things. 

Research Associate, UCL. Fulltime. Duration: 3 years. Start: Sept 09
Research Associate, UCL. Fulltime. Duration: 2 years. Start: Sept 09
Project Administrator, ECA. Fulltime. Duration: 3 years. Start: Aug 09
Studentship, Fulltime. Dundee. Duration: 3 years. Start: Sept 09
Studentship, Fulltime. ECA. Duration: 3 years. Start: Sept 09

Please visit: 
And then click on links to find application details
Various deadlines are in place.


“Spimes are manufactured objects whose informational support is so
overwhelmingly extensive and rich that they are regarded as material
instantiations of an immaterial system. Spimes begin and end as data.
They’re virtual objects first and actual objects second.”
Bruce Sterling, Shaping Things, (2005)

The TOTeM project is located within the emerging technical and cultural
phenomenon known as ‘The Internet of Things’. The term is attributed to
the Auto-ID research group at MIT in 1999, and was explored in depth by
the International Telecommunication Union who published a report bearing
the same name at the United Nations net summit in 2005. The term,
‘Internet of things’, refers to the technical and cultural shift that is
anticipated as society moves towards a ubiquitous form of computing in
which every device is ‘on’, and every device is connected in some way to
the Internet. The specific reference to ‘things’ refers to the concept
that every new object manufactured will also be able to part of this
extended Internet, because they will have been tagged and indexed by the
manufacturer during production. It is also envisaged that consumers will
have the ability to ‘read’ the tags through the use of mobile ‘readers’
and use the information connected to the object, to inform their
purchase, use and disposal of an object.

The implications for the Internet of Things upon production and
consumption are tremendous, and will transform the way in which people
shop, store and share products. The analogue bar code that has for so
long been a dumb encrypted reference to a shop’s inventory system, will
be superseded by an open platform in which every object manufactured
will be able to be tracked from cradle to grave, through manufacturer to
distributor, to potentially every single person who comes into contact
with it following its purchase. Further still, every object that comes
close to another object, and is within range of a reader, could also be
logged on a database and used to find correlations between owners and
applications. In a world that has relied upon a linear chain of supply
and demand between manufacturer and consumer via high street shop, the
Internet of Things has the potential to transform how we will treat
objects, care about their origin and use them to find other objects. If
every new object is within reach of a reader, everything is searchable
and findable, subsequently the shopping experience may never be the
same, and the concept of throwing away objects may become a thing of the
past as other people find new uses for old things.

The project team are:

•    Maria Burke, Salford
•    Andrew Hudson-Smith, UCL
•    Angelina Karpovich, Brunel
•    Simone O’Callaghan, Dundee
•    Morna Simpson, Dundee
•    Chris Speed, (PI) Edinburgh College of Art

Edinburgh College of Art (eca) is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC009201

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