[NetBehaviour] visiting jwm's art work today...
james morris
james at jwm-art.net
Sun May 17 02:04:02 CEST 2009
Hi Karen,
Thanks for the kind words. I've not redesigned it since around
November/December. I had been working on a further redesign which got
put on hold when I began working upon XorCurses. It had a faster more
efficient (ie the current version is quite badly coded) keywords system.
"Keyword Overkill" is the top-level keyword listing displaying every
keyword I've tagged my pages. I have a habit of tagging pages with more
than 5 keywords at a time, usually, hence the overkill. Anyway, thanks
again, it's good to hear that someone enjoys it when I've been feeling
rather negative about it lately.
I keep meaning to get back to some physical-matter-based creativity, such
as the pencil pushing shown in 'Diary of a Monster' but I have this
addiction to the computer which keeps getting in the way. And there's a
fair amount of work made over the past couple of years I'm yet to
document on the site too.
On 16/5/2009, "karen blissett" <karen.blissett at googlemail.com> wrote:
>Hello James,
>I have not visited your site for a few months now and apologise for this, it
>has been a treat to visit it once again - have you re-designed it, because
>it feels much easier to browse through now?
>I have spent a bit of my time looking and listening to your work today and I
>have really enjoyed it (do not want to be too come across as smaltzy
>(chicago terminology for being cheesy), but it's what I think.
>On exploring various visual works (and many sketches) on your site, I have
>been listening to your music at the same time as viewing. One of my fave
>tracks is definitely "Slow Beet Root" - the page -
>http://www.jwm-art.net/light.php?p=j20081215-1509&s=0.5 and the files itself
>just in case other's wish to hear it -
>http://www.jwm-art.net/art/audio/slowbeetroot.mp3 - I am also downloading
>other tracks to listen to as well.
>I also enjoyed your keyword system for finding tracks - this page is a
>perfect example of how extensive it is and how dedicated you are in trying
>to make it work -
>http://www.jwm-art.net/light.php?p=keywords&k=audio&s=0.5- great fun
>in finding sounds here :-)
>And you have also created the facility of 'themes', interface pages to view
>keywords, http://www.jwm-art.net/o7.php?p=keywords&s=0.5 this theme is
>called 'Theme Overkill'.
>I especially enjoyed one of your drawing projects called 'Diary of Monster'.
>But then there is this stuff as well -
>http://www.jwm-art.net/o7.php?p=abovemyhead-detail-3&s=0.5 which is called
>"Above My Head 1000ft - Detail 3", Which is a beautiful painting in
>acrylics, this feels quite vulnerable.
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