[NetBehaviour] 13,000 offer up DNA to put their genomes online.
marc garrett
marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Tue May 19 11:01:31 CEST 2009
13,000 offer up DNA to put their genomes online.
Study among first to offer data to computer scientists.
By Lucas Mearian.
Computerworld - Since opening to the public late last month, The
Personal Genome Project has signed up 13,000 volunteers who will donate
genetic material for the benefit of gene research worldwide. Information
about the genetic material will also be posted online.
The project was launched last year with the goal of creating the world's
first publicly accessible database of human genomic and trait data from
100,000 people. Initially, it started as a closed test study with 10
volunteers so that those who later sign up for the project "will know
what they're getting into," said George Church, the Harvard Medical
School professor leading the initiative.
Those first 10 volunteers (http://www.personalgenomes.org/public/1.html)
had their genomes, along with photos and personal and family history,
placed online as a pilot for the experiment, which one day could include
millions of unique genomes.
Church said study participants have not been promised any anonymity --
just the opposite.
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