[NetBehaviour] patch for re_store_present*

james morris james at jwm-art.net
Tue May 26 22:16:48 CEST 2009

Here's a patch attached which adds minor additional functionality to the
re_store_present* scripts posted here today.

for the following scripts:


the patch adds the command line argument -width n  where n is a custom
width you wish to trim to. adds glitchymess if n > terminal width.

ie ./re_store_present3 -width 85

for the following scripts:


the patch also adds a second command line argument -glitch where if
specified, the escape sequence to erase characters left from the last
v-scroll is replaced with "xxxx". the escape sequence itself has also
been modified to work on the amd64 platform where it appeared to not
work - don't know if this breaks things for x86 though.


to apply the patch, make sure all previous scripts are located in the
same directory. cd into that directory. save the patch in that directory
and do:

patch -p1 < re_store_presents.patch

to apply it. if you don't have all scripts you'll be prompted to enter
location of those missing - press enter and then answer y + [enter] to


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