[NetBehaviour] Feminist Theory & Activism in Global Perspective

Olga olga.panades at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 13:36:33 CEST 2009

Feminist Theory & Activism in Global Perspective
Saturday 26th September 2009, 09.30-18.30

Attendance is free, but please RSVP Gender.Institute.Frconference at lse.ac.uk


Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre, SOAS, Russell Square, London

To celebrate 30 years, Feminist Review is organising a conference to
address theory and activism:
. Why is feminism still globally resonant?

. How are theory and practice regionally and disciplinarily located?

. How do we integrate feminism in our own work?

. What does global feminist dialogue look like?

. How is transnational feminist theory being produced?

This conference aims to address the links and tensions between an expanding
academic field of gender theory transnationally, and the transnational
relevance of feminism amongst scholars, activists and policy-makers in a
global context. We would like to expand the prevailing parameters of gender
studies by making transnational concerns central to its reflections on the
contemporary challenges facing feminist analysis and practice. The
conference will bring together the Feminist Review contributing editors from
Africa, Asia, the Middle East, America and Europe who combine theory, policy
and activism in their institutional contexts and research foci.*

Attendance is free, but please RSVP
Gender.Institute.Frconference at lse.ac.uk


9:00 - 9:30 Registration

9:3 0- 9:45 Welcome

9:45 - 11:45 *Local/Global Interrogations*

"Feminist studies in African contexts: Some notes on liberatory research praxis"
Amina Mama, African Gender Institute, University of Cape Town;
currently Mills College, Oakland, USA

"Feminist research and activism on violence against women: Linking
local and global"
Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic, Belgrade University and Victimology Society of Serbia

"Brazilian feminisms and their central and peripheral questions"
Sônia Weidner Maluf, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Discussant: Firdous Azim, Dhaka University, Bangladesh

11:45 - 12:15 Coffee/Tea break

12:1 5- 1:00 *Trans/National Intersections*

"What can transnational feminist theory learn from regional feminism?"
Suzana Milevska, Accademia Italiana - Skopje, Macedonia

"Feminism, colonialism and nationalism in contemporary Indian drama"
Nandi Bhatia, University of Western Ontario, Canada

"Violence against women: Expanding understandings . limited perspective"
Nishi Mitra, Centre for Women's Studies, Tata Institute of Social
Sciences, Mumbai, India

Discussant: Gülsüm Baydar, Izmir Ekonomi Universitesi, Turkey

1:00 - 2:00 Lunch

2:00 - 3:15 Discussion

3:15 - 3:45 Tea/Coffee

3:45 - 6:00 *Theoretical Trans/Formations*
"Rights, feminism, nation" Ann Genovese. University of Melbourne, Australia

"Introducing women's studies: Twenty-first century dilemmas for
feminist teaching in the Caribbean" Gabrielle Hosein, The University
of the West Indies St. Augustine, Trinidad

"Teaching feminism in post-Oslo Palestine: Welcome to the Third Wave"
Rema Hammami, Birzeit University, Palestine

Discussant: Lidia Curti, Instituto Universitario Orientale-Anglistica,
Napoli, Italy

Final Remarks: Tina Campt, Duke University, USA

6:00 - 7:00 Reception

*Saturday September 26th 2009 . 09.30-18.30
Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre, SOAS, Russell Square, London*

Olga P Massanet

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