[NetBehaviour] EXHIBITION: After the Net (2.0) + LECTURE: Transiting the Net by Professor Roy Ascott

Olga olga.panades at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 14:06:18 CEST 2009

EXHIBITION: After the Net (2.0)
September 12 - October 23, 2009
Opening: September 25; 6:30 pm
(PERFORMANCE 4NX by Aymeric Mansoux @ 7:00 pm)
Peninsula Arts Gallery, University of Plymouth, UK.

After the Net (2.0) explores the paradoxical development of the
Internet. As the current Web 2.0 hype begins to wane, the exhibition
reflects upon the promises of technological progress, global
networking and instantaneous communication. Presented artworks draw
attention to key developments: from cybernetics to free and open
source software, and social networking platforms.

Reflected in the title, the exhibition makes explicit reference to the
documentary film ‘The Net’ by Lutz Dammbeck (2003), and has three
iterations: for Valencia (2008), Plymouth (2009) and Toluca (2010).
The selection of artists is updated for each venue as a new version.

ARTISTS: Roy Ascott | Wayne Clements | Geoff Cox | Lutz Dammbeck |
Jeff Gompertz & Caen Botto (Universomente) | Rui Guerra | Linda
Hilfling | Aymeric Mansoux & Marloes de Valk (GOTO10) | Graham
Harwood, Richard Wright & Matsuko Yokokoji.

LECTURE: Transiting the Net by Professor Roy Ascott
October 22, 2009; 6.30 pm
Theatre 2 Roland Levinsky Building

Curated by Joasia Krysa (KURATOR) | Produced by LaAgencia, Madrid
Supported by KURATOR, LaAgencia, Observatori, Peninsula Arts /
University of Plymouth, Tecnologico de Monterrey Toluca and Arts
Council England.

For more information see

Olga P Massanet

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