[NetBehaviour] A Microcode in rhyme

james morris james at jwm-art.net
Mon Sep 21 20:45:22 CEST 2009

Hi Pall,

'A Microcode in rhyme' is interesting. The discussion that followed
caused me to google "common lisp poetry" ( some time ago i briefly
tried to learn common lisp and soon found something else to do instead
).  The results found were not quite as what you have done, but




which turns out to be quite an interesting site:

 (but a little old now).


On 21/9/2009, "Pall Thayer" <pallthay at gmail.com> wrote:

>I think a lot of people have sort of gotten over the "novelty" of Perl
>and these practices have sort of fizzled out. It's a shame because
>there is of course no chance that they exhausted all of the
>possibilities. Perhaps the fact that Perl's not as popular as it was
>has a lot to do with it. Based on this example, I don't think Python
>really works for poetry:
>On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Alan Sondheim <sondheim at panix.com> wrote:
>> It's great - I forget about the Perl examples - I wonder if that culture's
>> even going on at the moment.
>> - Alan
>> On Mon, 21 Sep 2009, Pall Thayer wrote:
>>> But I don't think the code actually rhymed.
>>> This was actually put to me as a challenge by a friend. He didn't
>>> specify that actually had to do anything worth while and it doesn't.
>>> But it's syntactically correct, runs without error but doesn't produce
>>> any output. When making it, I wasn't producing it specifically to be
>>> part of the Microcode selection but it's an interesting experiment so
>>> I added it to the site.
>>> best r.
>>> Pall
>>> oh... ps. I made a slight mistake in the "read" example. It should of
>>> course be "If two equals two OR love matches u", not "AND love matches
>>> u". This makes a big difference since it means that the code within is
>>> executed but what is after the "else" statement is not. Otherwise it
>>> would produce output.
>>> On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 3:28 PM, Alan Sondheim <sondheim at panix.com> wrote:
>>>> Great - this reminds me of perl poetry, at the end of Larry Walls' book
>>>> (think I have the right name) - ALan
>>>> On Mon, 21 Sep 2009, Pall Thayer wrote:
>>>>> Two or Love
>>>>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>>>>> if(2 == 2 || 'love' =~ /u/){
>>>>>        $two = 1 unless $none;
>>>>>        while($beef || $pork){
>>>>>                sleep(11) && fork();
>>>>>        }
>>>>> }else{
>>>>>        sleep(22) && print "fun";
>>>>> }
>>>>> (
>>>>> read:
>>>>> if two equals two
>>>>> and love matches u
>>>>> two equals one
>>>>> unless none
>>>>> while beef or pork
>>>>> sleep eleven and fork
>>>>> else sleep twenty-two and print fun
>>>>> )
>>>>> --
>>>>> *****************************
>>>>> Pall Thayer
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>>> *****************************
>>> Pall Thayer
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>>> http://www.this.is/pallit
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>Pall Thayer
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