[NetBehaviour] Chico Art Net 2009

info info at furtherfield.org
Tue Sep 29 22:56:26 CEST 2009

Chico Art Net 2009


This is a reminder announcement for Chico Art Net 2009! The deadline is 
coming up fast, so be sure to email your submissions soon. The last day 
to submit your work is this Thursday, October 1. Review the following 
guidelines to submit your artwork.

-Please submit the URL of your project to chico.art.net.2009 at gmail.com 
along with a brief biography of yourself.
-The submission must be a dynamic digital art piece. This includes 
either video, animation, stop motion, and/or interactive work.
-You must host your project on your own site.
-An artist statement is encouraged (maximum 100 words).
-There is a limit of three entries per person.
-Please do not submit work that requires downloading specialized 
plug-ins or downloads. We want all of our viewers to be able to view the 
piece successfully and with ease.
-The 2009 selected artworks will be posted on www.csuchico.edu/art/net/
-Upon acceptance, the work selected must be hosted and maintained at the 
same URL address for at least one year.

Submission deadline: Thursday, October 1, 2009

Selections will be made and participants notified by mid-November.

Watch for our promo trailer @ vimeo.com.

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