[NetBehaviour] "No Scan, No Fly" At Heathrow and Manchester.

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Wed Feb 3 12:21:08 CET 2010

"No Scan, No Fly" At Heathrow and Manchester.

"It is now compulsory for people selected for a full body scan to take 
part, or they will not be allowed to fly from Heathrow or Manchester 
airports. There is no optional pat down. Also, a rule which meant that 
people under 18 were not allowed to participate in the body scanner 
trial has been overturned by the government. There is no mention of 
blurring out the genitals, however reports a few years back said X-ray 
backscatter devices aren't effective unless the genitals of people going 
through them are visible."


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