[NetBehaviour] interesting net art

anniea a at bram.org
Thu Feb 4 11:03:49 CET 2010

copied from [NEW-MEDIA-CURATING]

"It's interesting that, as far as I am aware, no contemporary artist has yet
harnessed this extraordinary technology to make a significant artwork. Of
course, maybe I'm wrong and am missing something great - do you know of any
net-based art works that are worth a look?

Maybe you have made one (an artwork made specifically for the medium, as
opposed to a film such as the one above, which uses the net only as a means
of dissemination)?

If you, like me, can't find any net-based art of note, why do you think that
is? Why, when there's been such a boom in contemporary art around the world,
has no artist made the medium of the web his or her canvas? And if someone
were to use the net as a medium, as opposed to making an image, or a video,
or even an interactive Flash animation, what would the resulting art look,
or sound, or feel like?"

Will Gompertz, the new BBC 'Arts Director' in his blog,
on 2. February 2010.
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