[NetBehaviour] IDEA 2010 - *Solidarity Donations in England*

ximena alarcon alarcon.xime at googlemail.com
Fri Feb 5 12:47:45 CET 2010

Hi all,

I am distributing here information from my friends, the organizers of
this important event. The space where they develop this work is in a
very poor village of Brazil. They, both artists, believe that arts of
transformation and education open windows for hope in a conflicting
world. They are based very close to the lung of the world, the Amazon.
A strategic place to stimulate transformation in this world.

Please have a look at it and if you can distribute it in Education
networks, etc in England, and the rest of the world, I'll appreciate


IDEA 2010 - *Solidarity Donations in England*

The Brazilian Network of Arteducators (ABRA) is the organizer of the
7thWorld Congress of Drama/Theatre and Education - IDEA 2010. The
congress will
be held in Belém, Pará, on the edge of the Brazilian Amazon, between 17 and
25 July 2010, linking culture, education and environment through the theme
"live, living diversity! embracing the arts of transformation!". At the
heart of this vision is a commitment to nurture solidarity and practise
cooperation, and to guarantee the participation of arteducators from
communities and countries with few financial resources, ABRA has made an
agreement to receive donations for IDEA 2010 with CO OPEPYS Community Arts

Your contribution will contribute directly to IDEA 2010's two interlinked
priorities for the 21st Century: the necessity to celebrate and practice
cultural diversity as a guarantee of living participatory democracy; and the
necessity to embrace pedagogies based in the arts and skills of
transformation to democratize create sustainable human communities.

CO OPEPYS Community Arts Project is a UK charity that uses artistic
languages in its work with children, young people and adults for social
inclusion, knowledge generation, and school, community and art group

So if you are based in England and would like to make a donation to IDEA
2010 you can either go to our website (www.idea2010.art.br/en/doacoes.php)
or make this donation through CO OPEPYS Community Arts Project, Registered
Charity No 1027133 - HSBC Bank - Depford Account 61175114, Sort Code 40 02

The Initiative will also contribute to projects related to IDEA 2010 in
Depford in the Southeast of London.

For more information about the Congress, please visit www.idea2010.art.br
Tyr  Peret
Director of Translation - 7th World Congress IDEA 2010 - Belem - Amazonia-
Diretora de Tradução - VII Congresso Mundial IDEA 2010  - Belém - Amazônia-

MA in Arts - Bilingual Translation -
Mestrado em Artes - Tradução Bilíngue
Westminster University - London

0055 91 3227 5712  / 91 8897 8930 (mobile)
skype/msn: tyrperet


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