[NetBehaviour] Invitation

dave miller dave.miller.uk at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 18:27:38 CET 2010

Hi Donna, this sounds really interesting - will you be showing it in
London, I'd like to see this


On 9 February 2010 17:02, Donna Holford-Lovell
<d.holford-lovell at abertay.ac.uk> wrote:
> Dear All I would like to invite you along to the following:
> |||| Back Buffer: New Arena Paintings: Julian Oliver
> 15 February – 30 April 2010
> Gallery Talk 4pm - Julian Oliver talks about his work and the development of
> the open source painting package ioquake3
> Opening reception 12 February 6pm
> Abstract Expressionist painters have long explored strategies for decoupling
> gestural habit and tendency in their work by means of automatic or
> chance-based operations. This exhibition by Berlin based artist Julian
> Oliver represents a new strategy along this vein, deploying a computer game
> as canvas, paint and brush.
> The exhibition represents a major iteration of Oliver's game-based painting
> system, ioq3aPaint, a project that began in 2003 in Melbourne, Australia as
> part of a long career exploring artistic applications for computer game
> technology. ioq3aPaint is itself a modification of the source code of
> ioquake3, a free-software first person shooter engine used by thousands of
> gamers and game developers worldwide.
> Hannah Maclure Centre, University of Abertay Dundee
> Top Floor Student Centre, Bell Street, Dundee, DD1 1HP
> http://hannahmaclurecentre.abertay.ac.uk
> Best Donna
> ---------------------------------------------
> Donna Holford-Lovell
> Cultural Projects Officer
> Institute of Arts, Media & Computer Games
> White Space, University of Abertay Dundee
> DD1 1HG. Tel: 0044 (1)382 308 777
> www.abertay.ac.uk/exhibitions
> The University of Abertay Dundee is a
> charity registered in Scotland, No: SC016040
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