[NetBehaviour] omg tv

sans.spleen sans.spleen at gmail.com
Thu Feb 18 10:23:13 CET 2010

Hi folks,
	We just recently launched a pirate tv station called OMGimon.tv at the vancouver olympics. It was originally launch in nyc during the digital transition on june 12, 2009. Now we've modified our platform to run an open source video platform broadcasting mundane remix culture to vancouver on channel 14 and naturally at omgimon.tv. The subtext is "If sports bore you, tune into omg tv.";.)
	Its a web-scraper that allows anyone to program their own content by enter search terms to create a loose narrative between random internet videos. It will be running during the olympics online at http://omgimon.tv and locally in vancouver on channel 14. All content is welcome through the webscraper and through youtube playlist submissions. THanks!! - omg tv

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