[NetBehaviour] CRUMB book launch.
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Wed Feb 24 17:14:24 CET 2010
CRUMB book launch.
Hot off the press: CRUMB book launch for three new volumes about
curating new media art.
Join CRUMB's co-founders Sarah Cook and Beryl Graham to launch their new
book "Rethinking Curating: Art After New Media" from MIT Press (A
Leonardo Book), as well as CRUMB researchers Axel Lapp and Verina Gfader
to launch two new volumes of CRUMB dialogues especially produced (by The
Green Box, Berlin) to coincide with CRUMB's 10th birthday - one volume
of interviews with curators undertaken over the last decade, and one
volume of conversations with artists about more hybrid ways of working.
These books are definitive guides to this fast-moving field and seek to
reflect on how our perceptions of new media art have changed and how
different tactics for the work's presentation have emerged. These books
seek to help curators develop tools for working with all forms of new
art, from distributed systems to participatory practice.
This launch follows on from the CRUMB/CAS symposium at BALTIC earlier
the same day, but is open to all.
Friday, 05 March 2010
Time: 16:30 - 17:30
Location: Level 1, BALTIC Center for Contemporary Art
Street: South Shore Road
Town/City: Gateshead, United Kingdom
Rethinking Curating
Art after New Media
Beryl Graham and Sarah Cook
Foreword by Steve Dietz
As curator Steve Dietz has observed, new media art is like contemporary
art—but different. New media art involves interactivity, networks, and
computation and is often about process rather than objects. New media
artworks, difficult to classify according to the traditional art museum
categories determined by medium, geography, and chronology. These works
present the curator with novel challenges involving interpretation,
exhibition, and dissemination. This book views these challenges as
opportunities to rethink curatorial practice. It helps curators of new
media art develop a set of flexible tools for working in this
fast-moving field, and it offers useful lessons from curators and
artists for those working in such other areas of art as distributive and
participatory systems.
Rethinking Curating explores the characteristics distinctive to new
media art, including its immateriality and its questioning of time and
space, and relates them to such contemporary art forms as video art,
conceptual art, socially engaged art, and performance art. The authors,
both of whom have extensive experience as curators, offer numerous
examples of artworks and exhibitions to illustrate how the roles of
curators and audiences can be redefined in light of new media art's
characteristics. They discuss modes of curating, from the familiar
default mode of the museum, through parallels with publishing,
broadcasting, festivals, and labs, to more recent hybrid ways of working
online and off, including collaboration and social networking.
Rethinking Curating offers curators a route through the hype around
platforms and autonomous zones by following the lead of current artists'
About the Authors - Beryl Graham, an educator, artist, arts organizer,
and curator, is Professor of New Media Art at the University of
Sunderland and coeditor of CRUMB (the Curatorial Resource for Upstart
Media Bliss Web site).
Sarah Cook, a research fellow and cofounder of CRUMB, has curated
exhibitions of new media art internationally.
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