[NetBehaviour] Nick Laessing / NEU! Adam Thomas at Space Studios.

info info at furtherfield.org
Fri Feb 26 10:43:05 CET 2010

Nick Laessing / NEU! Adam Thomas at Space Studios.

Exhibition Opening
Thursday 18th March 6 — 9pm

Exhibition Dates
19th March — 17 April

Opening Times
Monday to Friday 10am — 5pm
Saturday 12 — 4pm

Free Admission     

[ s p a c e ]

129 — 131 Mare Street
London E8 3RH

exhibitions at spacestudios.org.uk
020 8525 4330

Bus 26 & 48 from Liverpool Street
106 & 254 from Bethnal Green
55 from Old Street
Tube Bethnal Green
Train Hackney Central

Nick Laessing: LIGHT | READING

For LIGHT | READING, Laessing will explore the ‘free energy’ movement, 
producing a new body of work based around experiments with the machine 
Prototype II (after US patent 6545444 B2 by John Bedini).

The free energy movement follows claims and inventions made primarily by 
the scientist Nikola Tesla at the beginning of 20th century. He thought 
it possible to harvest free or radiant energy from the atmosphere or 
aether. Since then a number of inventors have worked on his theories and 
more recently the isolated work of a few individuals has found a wide 
following through the internet.

Laessing's reconstruction of a radiant energiser first built by USA 
inventor John Bedini will attempt to be the source of power for lighting 
and sound equipment used to present found radio interviews and research 
conducted by the artist during a one-month residency at SPACE. The main 
gallery will thus become a framework for entering the tacit world of 
these experimenters.

NEU! ADAM THOMAS: colourless green ideas sleep furiously

Characteristically condensing around the visual dimension of language, 
Adam Thomas’ practice suggests new and intuitive models for rendering 
the art/language binary.

The idea of ‘making’ language – translating it into physical forms 
coterminous with the plastic arts – is a central theme throughout 
colourless green ideas sleep furiously. Handled by Thomas, Language 
becomes an object, a thing in the world that demands not only 
linguistic, but also phenomenological, aesthetical, historical, art 
canonical, mythical and personal consideration.

Adam Thomas’ colourless green ideas sleep furiously is the third NEU! 
exhibition at SPACE. Previous exhibitions were; PROH SO’ PAH PEER by 
Richard John Jones (Sep 09) and What I Believe (a Polemical Collection) 
by Ruth Beale (Nov 09). NEU! is an ongoing cycle of solo exhibitions by 
new artists at SPACE.

The Librarians: a Guestroom project

Installed by Guestroom (the collaborative project of artists Maria 
Benjamin and Ruth Höflich), The Librarians is a series of 8 video 
portraits concerned with personal libraries and collections.

Each film looks at one person's selections processes and by extension 
the design of their environment in relation to their wider practice and 
ideas. Within the series we encounter both intentional collections and 
more organic yet highly specific selections within an ordinary 
bookshelf. As a sequence, the portraits become part of a complex 
constellation as relationships and connections develop between 
individuals and their ideas.

The Librarians are Tom McCarthy, Michael Leslie, Lorenza Boisi, Shaun 
Pubis, Pablo Bronstein, Rebecca Bligh, Isabel Waidner and Adam Sutherland


Ben Woodeson

Ben Woodeson creates works that aim to tease and unsettle the viewer and 
the exhibiting institution.

Since the start of 2009 Woodeson has been making and exhibiting the 
Health & Safety Violation Series of deliberately dangerous sculptures; 
to date these have included 33,000 ball bearings on the floor, automatic 
trip wires, suffocation devices, electric fences, spinning metal 
weights, twisting ropes and steel garrotting cables.

His work for the Foyer Space will comprise of a new site-specific 
intervention and a video documenting a cycle of recently developed works.

Exhibition Opening
Thursday 18th March 6 — 9pm

Exhibition Dates
19th March — 17 April

Opening Times
Monday to Friday 10am — 5pm
Saturday 12 — 4pm

Free Admission     

[ s p a c e ]

129 — 131 Mare Street
London E8 3RH

exhibitions at spacestudios.org.uk
020 8525 4330

Bus 26 & 48 from Liverpool Street
106 & 254 from Bethnal Green
55 from Old Street
Tube Bethnal Green
Train Hackney Central


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