[NetBehaviour] violation fabric (the last of these, thank god)

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sat Feb 27 18:02:56 CET 2010


violation fabric


 	in one or another violation fabric, cotton, silk, of pinafore
   violation fabric of European hegemony, ah!
_violation fabric,_ a weaving of language and gesture that wears like a
a name for these, violation fabric, ah!
a name for these, violation fabric, ah!
and fevers. Now you've got dis-eased, violation fabric. You write: this
away, torn to pieces, a form of violation fabric; it becomes more and
can save me), violation fabric, torn fabric - that _this_ post therefore
disbelief, rise up into violation fabric!", ah!
escape from violation fabric or web inversion; embodiment is always a
every number unique, virtual, violation fabric in the midst of stripped
g.txt:women. I imagine violation fabric, web inversion, binding, liquidi
grabbed, dissolved, disinterred. (I'm folded into the violation fabric
hurtle violently to the ground; everything is violation fabric; everyone
in violation fabric clara has long uneasy net for the dissemenation of
lights by the quayside nothing visible cranes down in violation fabric
looming broadca ure violation fabric more murder ary have over your, ah!
misrecognition _to be sure,_ violation fabric, more murders, earthquake
misrecognition _to be sure,_ violation fabric, more murders, earthquake
misrecognition _to be sure,_ violation fabric, more murders, earthquake
misrecognition _to be sure._ violation fabric, the disaster of theory in
mourn the pa ure violation fabric top down through radiation chemical cata
my life is a violation fabric, torn in two, thinking itself through this
myself becoming world thoughts language ravage violation fabric, ah!
of teeth. muller, graves, anyone who will lis tures, violation fabrics
of the Net. He writes his first post, about violation fabric., ah!
only the anger's violation fabric. Everything becomes derailed; every-
or _violation fabric_ across foreclosed and corporate domains and names.
sistent click, violation fabric of welcome and masquerade? You turn away
the burned atoms of plasma, surface of a neutron star, violation fabric of
the seas of the moon poured tears of violation fabric xxxxxx, ah!
the seas of the moon poured tears of violation fabric xxxxxx, ah!
the untoward violation fabric of the world (re: Cinematograph, M). The
to my uneasy dreams, turn clothed in violation fabric. Clara has long
to the limit, violation fabric to the winds., ah!
tures, violation fabrics against that unmistakable odor of cunt and cock
universal edge and violation fabric membrane collapses by forced Clara
violation fabric
violation fabric
violation fabric, brought only absence at the end of the clearing, down
violation fabric, hives appear, coughing, blood-eyes watering,
violation fabric: abjection-perversion breakdown and emission
violation fabric: abjection-perversion breakdown and emission
waves tearing into violation fabric, ah!, ah!
who can only be a figuration in violation fabric, dune and wadi., ah!, ah!
women. I imagine violation fabric, web inversion, binding, liquidity, and
work, the textual substance (what I've called _violation fabric_) inherent
world suffocates beneath violation fabric., ah!, ah!, ah!


addenda, ah! ah! ah! ah!

O Violation Fabric of Torn Space and Time!
O Violation Fabric of Torn Space and Time!
    Violation fabric of everyday life


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