[NetBehaviour] OPENING TONIGHT (BERLIN) --- speed show ----

Olga olga.panades at gmail.com
Fri Jun 11 16:53:35 CEST 2010

This looks like it could be a good event..

<<<<< SPEED SHOW vol.1: TELE-INTERNET >>>>>>
One night group show and the start of an ongoing series of SPEED SHOWS.

Friday 11th of June 2010, 21:00 – 00:00
Kottbusser Damm 103, Berlin

Following artists will show new or recent works:
- Jon Cates (US)
- Constant Dullaart (NL)
- Dragan Espenschied (DE)
- Geraldine Juarez (MX)
- Tobias Leingruber (DE)
- Olia Lialina (RU)
- Moddr (NL/AT/RU)
- Johannes P Osterhoff (DE)
- Evan Roth (US)
- Ralph Schulz (DE)
- Paul Slocom (US)

Curated by Aram Bartholl

Curatorial Statement:
net.art is dead? Long live pop.net.art!
The Internet browser a key element to the success of the web in the
beginning of the 90’s has grown mature in the last two decades.
Technical development, open standards and open software made the
browser a very powerful tool. It seems soon it will take over the
operating system and there will be nothing left than apps in the

It’s about time to revisit net.art in an era of 500 million Facebook
user. net.art never really found it’s way out of the media art bubble.
The browser was the promising canvas in the early ’90s and is today
more then ever capable to do what ever you like.

Read more: http://fffff.at/speed-show/

Olga P Massanet

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