[NetBehaviour] Turbulence Commissions: "Journal of Journal Performance Studies" and "I am unable to tell you"

Turbulence turbulence at turbulence.org
Thu Jun 17 17:06:24 CEST 2010

June 17, 2010

Turbulence is pleased to announce two new commissions: "Journal of  
Journal Performance Studies" by Nicholas Knouf and "I am unable to  
tell you" by Benjamin Dean.

"Journal of Journal Performance Studies" by Nicholas Knouf


"Journal of Journal Performance Studies" (JJPS) is a series of three  
interrelated works that engage with academic publishing. The project  
consists of a Firefox extension, an online radio, and a journal. The  
JJPS Firefox Extension overlays bibliometric data, graphs of journal  
ownership, and journal cost onto publisher websites. The extension  
also replaces advertisements on scholarly sites to provide a glimpse  
into the future of scholarly distribution. JJPS Radio is designed as  
a fully-automated internet radio station, presenting recitations of  
articles in our database of hundreds, translations of texts into  
sound, and news and views important for the study of journal  
performance. JJPS Radio suggests not only new methods for the  
dispersion of academic work, but also re-purposes academic texts as  
its source material. The Journal is an experiment in the propagation  
of scholarly work. The hope is that the journal will develop into an  
ongoing project on the limits of contemporary intellectual  


Nicholas Knouf works in the interstitial spaces of digital art,  
sound, information science, and science and technology studies.  
Recent projects have been featured in international exhibitions such  
as "Esse, nosse, posse: Common Wealth for Common People" at the  
National Museum for Contemporary Art in Athens, Greece (2010) and  
electro_online (2009). Past and current work has been recognized by a  
number awards, including an Honorary Mention by Prix Ars Electronica  
in [the next idea] category (2005), the Leonardo Abstracts Service  
(LABS) for his master's thesis (2008), a memefest Award of  
Distinction (2008), and a special transmediale "Online  
Highlight" (2009). Additionally, his work has been discussed in print  
and online media, including ID Magazine, the Boston Globe, CNN,  
Slashdot, Afterimage, and networked: a (networked_book) about  
(networked_art). More information can be seen at his website, http:// 

"I am unable to tell you" by Benjamin Dean


"I am unable to tell you" is an experiment in collective solipsism.  
It's about leaving your fingerprints on the glass you were trying to  
clean. It's only someone else's experience. It's about the closure  
property of sets. It's just the referents. It's depth-first search.  
It's about being face to face. It's about not talking. It's turtles  
all the way down.


Ben Dean makes many different things for many different reasons. He  
considers art a form of experimentation, believes science to be a way  
of discovering beauty, and thinks engineering is just plain fun. Ben  
was educated at Yale University, and lives in Brooklyn. He is always  
interested in collaboration, and would love to hear from you. Email  
Ben at bddbbd.b [at] gmail.com

Jo-Anne Green
New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc.
917.548.7780 or 617.522.3856
Turbulence: http://turbulence.org
Networked_Performance: http://turbulence.org/blog
Networked_Music_Review: http://turbulence.org/networked_music_review
Networked: http://networkedbook.org
New American Radio: http://somewhere.org
Upgrade! Boston: http://turbulence.org/upgrade_boston

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