[NetBehaviour] Call For Proposals: Open Call: Learn to Play

info info at furtherfield.org
Fri Jun 25 10:52:41 CEST 2010

Call For Proposals: Open Call: Learn to Play


Are you a game maker? Are you telling compelling stories about your life 
or the world around you? Are you doing interesting things through games 
and interactivity that cannot be done elsewhere?

If you are telling a story, relaying an experience, or interacting with 
a player in an innovative or novel way we want to see it. Learn to Play 
is calling for submissions of work for a new museum show built around 
games as art. Learn to Play will be opening this fall as parallel 
programming for the 2010 01SJ Biennial. The theme is “build your own world.”

What makes a game art?

Is it a compelling experience? A story that cannot be told elsewhere?

Learn to Play is an Art Museum exhibition of video, board and social 
games. This call is to let artists, coders, designers, etc. nominate 
their work or the work of others.

Why is this happening?

The tools for game design are now ubiquitous, and we know that people 
are making compelling mini-games and vignettes in addition to full-blown 
games by indy designers. Our hope is to reach out into the communities 
and find work from today’s emerging creators.

Who is doing this?

The Euphrat Museum of Art at De Anza College, Cupertino, 
http://www.deanza.edu/euphrat/ as parallel programming with 2010 01SJ 
Biennial http://01sj.org/

How do you submit work?

We are working on a submission process that will be posted as the 
deadline approaches. At this time you can drop us an email at 
info at toplay.us and we will keep you up to date when our submission 
system opens. We are happy to screen games that are playable on multiple 
platforms. Send us the link along with your name and what the game is about.

When are the deadlines?

Our first round of submissions is due July 31.

Learn to Play is about the expression of art and life through games.

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