[NetBehaviour] EXHIBITION: The Arctic Perspective Initiative

Olga olga.panades at gmail.com
Fri Jun 25 17:59:03 CEST 2010

EXHIBITION: The Arctic Perspective Initiative

The Arctic Perspective Initiative (API) is a non-profit, international group
of individuals and organizations whose goal is to promote the creation of
open authoring, communications and dissemination infrastructures for the
circumpolar region. We aim to empower the North and Arctic peoples through
open source technologies and applied education and training. By creating
access to these technologies while promoting an open, shared network of
communications and data, without a costly overhead, we can allow for further
sustainable and continued development of culture, traditional knowledge,
science, technology and education opportunities for peoples in the North and
Arctic regions.



HMKV at PHOENIX Halle, Dortmund, Germany Exhibition
Exhibition 18 June – 10 October 2010 Opening 18 June 2010, 7 pm
Opening hours Wed-Fri 3 pm-8 pm, Sat and Sun 11 am-8pm
Part of the European Capital of Culture RUHR 2010 and ISEA 2010

CANADA HOUSE, Trrafalgar Square, London UK
May 21 - Sept 30 2010

Olga P Massanet
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